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British Man Injured In Tobago Shark Attack


A British man sustained severe injuries after a shark attacked him on the Caribbean Island of Tobago.

News reports identified the victim as Peter Smith, 64.

The BBC quoted a local official saying that Smith received critical care after sustaining injuries to his left arm, left leg, and stomach.

The official said the creature attacked Smith 10 metres off the shore in Courland Bay, on the island’s north coast, at 09:15 on Friday.

The incident involved a bull shark estimated to be eight to 10 ft (2.4m to 3m) long and 2ft (60cm) wide, according to a statement by the Tobago House of Assembly.

Starfish Hotel Watersports Manager Orion Jakerov told TTT News that the British visitor and others were bathing in waist-deep to shoulder-height water when the attack occurred.

“I would consider this a freak accident,” he stated.

Jakerov said others were trying to fight off the shark during the attack.

The Tobago House of Assembly offered a $10,000 Trinidad and Tobago Dollar reward for the shark’s successful capture.

But it later recalled the bounty.

The authorities temporarily closed several beaches around the incident, and drones monitored the area.

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  1. Can you imagine a lousy T&T $10,000 not worth $10. U.S., yet pulled out before any Calypso Steelband player begin to make their P.M. look bad; at least $ for $ our E.C. $ worth much more. Here’s the Lyric for Road march ” De Shark say me prefer de dark meat, woy woy “

  2. Can you imagine a lousy T&T $10,000 not worth $10. U.S., yet pulled out before any Calypso Steelband player begin to make their P.M. look bad; at least $ for $ our E.C. $ worth much more. Here’s the Lyric for Road march ” De Shark say me prefer de dark meat, woy woy “


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