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One Man Rushed To Hospital After Babonneau Crash


On Friday, Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) emergency responders rushed a man to the OKEU Hospital after a Suzuki Escudo ran off the road and overturned near the Cabiche Gap in Babonneau.

The victim’s injuries did not appear to be life-threatening.

He and the driver were in the vehicle at the time of the incident, however the male driver declined an offer of emergency transportation to the hospital.

The Babonneau Fire Station responded with a fire truck after receiving a call for assistance at about 2:50 pm, while a Gros Islet Fire Station ambulance also rushed to the scene.

The Babonneau incident was the latest in a spate of road collisions this year.

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  1. I have said it several times, these accidents happen through drunkenness and the use of cell phone. No one seems to be taken heed. Please we need a law for this driven with cell phone.

  2. Mate is a very reckless driver I watch mate do some mad tings on the road already hope he learns from this experience.

  3. AA. When King is your minister of transport you expect anything good to come out. Just check. ACCIDENTS, fATALITIES HV ALL INCREASED UNDER HIS YEARS AS MINISTER.

  4. The rslpf and the government are clueless.
    They want to charge someone for not wearing seatbelts and wearing helmets.these don’t cause accidents but drunk driving and speeding does.what do you idiots have in place to address the main causes of these fatalities.

  5. @ Anonymous…spot on! They enforce pettiness and refuse to look at the bigger picture. Saint lucia is the only country in the world where a drunk speeding driver without seatbelt will be stopped and ONLY charged for not wearing the belt!!! That’s content for stand up comedy. BTW, I do believe that this ministry relies on our insightful comment on this platform as ideas for them to implement…worthless starting with the the king.


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