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WATCH: NEMO Urges Hurricane Preparedness

Saint Lucia’s National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) has asked residents to prepare for the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season, which officially begins on June 1.

Researchers predict this hurricane season will be active.

They have cited warmer Atlantic waters and developing La Nina conditions as contributing factors.

 Colorado State University has predicted 23 named storms during the season that officially runs until November 30 annually.

 As a comparison, from 1991 to 2020, there were an average of 14 storms. 

Ahead of an expected hyperactive season, NEMO Director Kernisha Jeffrey-Isembert issued the following statement:

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  1. There’s no doubt Universally, this has been accepted as fact, so look out.
    We don’t know why, we didn’t create the world and its seasons, but we do have the Technology which can pretty well predict what’s coming. It will definitely affect your Tourism Industry, Agriculture, Traffic, Roads and other Building / Structural Construction. Just thought about it, why allow such a huge construct bang in the middle of Castries? who’s idea was it? what’s wrong with the Dpt. of Planning? but certainly there must be a more appropriate, less expensive, less traffic annoyance, still within a few steps from the City center, grounds are solid original, not reclaimed.


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