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Police Probe Fatal Shooting In Dennery

The deadly gun violence plaguing Saint Lucia continued on Friday morning in Grande Riviere, Dennery, claiming the life of a male individual.

At about 2:30 am, the Richfond police station received a shooting report and discovered the deceased, identified as Destor Samuel, on the ground near a vehicle.

According to reports, unknown shooters confronted the deceased and opened fire in his direction.

Community residents said he sustained multiple gunshot injuries.

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  1. @Reality . Guns. Only 30% of St. Lucian’s officially took that. And I doubt the number is so high. We stupid but ain’t so stupid.

  2. @Reality…….And your point is ??? What are you trying to equate fool ?? And for those who just LOVE to lay every shooting blame at the PM even at 2:30 am when the average Lucian snoring and rolling over in their beds is simply pathetic; but for those who are adamant(they know themselves) yes he should have had a police officer close by hiding behind the big banana tree by the road HAH HA no shooting around here you are under arrest.

  3. We definitely need an explanation for all the sudden deaths that we have been experiencing lately. So many strokes, heart attack, cancers, etc. What is the cause? We need answers!


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