A close family member of Saint Lucia’s latest fatal shooting victim has declared that Saint Lucia’s gun laws are far too lax and should not allow bail for firearm and ammunition possession.
The family member, whom we shall call ‘John Doe’ because he requested anonymity, declared that the gun laws should be draconian to deter the use of illegal weapons.
Doe spoke after forty-one-year-old Destor Samuel, alias ‘Dexter’ of Grand Ravine, Dennery, succumbed to gunshot injuries.
Police learned of the shooting at Grande Ravine at about 2:30 am on Friday.
‘John Doe’ urged justice for the deceased.
But Doe also expressed a desire for people to put down their illegal guns.
“The problem with Saint Lucia is that people with guns feel empowered. So, anything you do that is the only sort of redress. It does not matter if you just step on their toe,” he lamented.
The family member said people kill each other for the silliest of reasons, hence the need for them to learn conflict management.
Doe felt there should be a stipulated mandatory jail term for possessing an illegal firearm or ammunition and an end to bail for such offences.
“Somebody is caught with a gun today. Tomorrow, he is out there. He can still get another gun. That is my problem with the law,” he told St. Lucia Times.
Police have appealed for information regarding Destor Samuel’s fatal shooting.
The law enforcers have asked people to contact the Major Crimes Unit at 456-3754.
Alternatively, they can provide anonymous tips by dialing 555 (the Crime Hotline) or using the RSLPF Crime Hotline Application, which is available in the Google Play Store.
PHOTO: Destor Samuel
Dont worry,all those who live by the gun and others dengerous weapons and evil 😈 will die by them by getting killed by another,
the Word of GOD stands forever !!
John Doe is right on point. These Catch and Release Laws need updating to make them no more Catch and Release.
John Doe is correct. Everything is to lax here. This place is a circus masquerading as a country.
John Doe is stating the obvious. Letting gunslingers out on bail is like restocking the violent criminal pool. Never fear, General Peep is here. That guy is an almighty joke. I don’t think for one minute that Peep understands the influential effects of those on bail. They are adventuresome and leaders. What is the government’s message to the underworld when they release a violent criminal on bail?
The formula for solving the gun problem is based on imprisoning more than being let out. In the process, most of the marginal players are going to quit. This is what happens when strong deterrence is in place.
I have been saying so over a Million Times about this Unlicensed Firearms and Ammunition. As if its a joke and no one gives a Damm about this gun Violence in St.Lucia .Its a Cip.and other Foolishness and Nothing happening .Revisit that Firearms Act and increase the Fines by 100%.
All telephone service providers should work along with the police. Use gps to locate and to get evidence. Spend more money on artificial intelligence using drones, functional cameras on every street and other devices. Providing police with mainly transportation alone is not going to curb crime, we need a war like approach to cover every port by land, air and sea.
Why is is that those responsible for creating laws do nothing about these lax laws? Maybe. Just maybe they get some benefit out of these lax laws. Politicians always act in their own interests.
Sunday Worship
Luke 11:27..
…..as Jesus was saying these things a woman in the crowd call out,
“Blessed is the mother who give you birth and nurse you”
Jesus replied,
Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it..
@ Heo….the cellphone tapping/ surveillance is the easy crime solver via gps tracking. But they not doing that!!! This shows you how serious they are at solving crime.