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Fire Chief Congratulates Sly

Fire Chief Ditney Downes has congratulated Firefighter #596 Sylvinus Charles, whose stage name is ‘Sly’, on winning the 2024 Groovy Soca Monarch competition.

Sly won with his rendition of ‘Damn Proud Lucian’ during a night that the Carnival Planning & Management Committee described as a memorable one for music.

The night also saw Ricky T crowned as the 2024 Power Soca Monarch.

Regarding Sly, the Chief Fire Officer said his performance was ‘truly exceptional’.

“You absolutely deserved to win the crown,” Downes declared.

“Let us all come together to extend our congratulations to the new Groovy Soca Monarch,” the Fire Chief told all ranks.

On behalf of the management and staff of the Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS), Downes also commended fire personnel who participated in the 2024 carnival activities and competitions.




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  1. I usually don’t get involved in St. Lucia’s affairs – however; this was truly an outstanding performance on every level. Sly I must honestly say that you literally SLAYED as in context below:

    What does slayed mean in slang?
    The term “slay” is often used as slang to describe someone who has done exceptionally well or impressed others.

    God luck and best wishes – in addition your outfit was impressive – kudos to your designer.


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