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RSLPF’s Rising Stars Head To Youth Camp In St. Vincent

On Sunday July 20, 2024, a group of thirty-one (31) members of the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force’s (RSLPF) Rising Stars Police Youth Organization departed Saint Lucia, bound for St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
The contingent, headed by Sergeant No.74 Janine Martin, will be participating in a summer camp in conjunction with the Royal St. Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force (RSVGPF).
The camp is scheduled to take place at the Central Leeward Secondary School from July 21 to August 5, 2024. Participants will take part in a series of vital sessions aimed at cultivating life skills, such as:
• Leadership Training to help develop resilient characters.
• Team Building Exercises to promote teamwork and collaboration.
• Educational Lectures that cover personal safety, community service and crime prevention.
• Physical Activities to promote healthy lifestyles, through sports and outdoor activities.
• Creative Creative workshops crafted to refine and integrate all other facets of the training.
As neighbouring islands, St. Vincent and Saint Lucia share many similarities among their children.
The RSLPF is committed to fostering collaboration through innovative approaches to engage our youth.
By partnering with regional agencies, we focus on developing intra-island social programmes that prioritize the well-being and development of our children.
SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force. Photo courtesy RSLPF.

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