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Sandals Foundation Boosts Caribbean Education

As the new school year gets underway, the Sandals Foundation is reinforcing its commitment to education across the Caribbean with an investment of approximately USD $110,000.

This significant contribution supports scholarships, infrastructure improvements, teacher training, and the distribution of essential school supplies, ensuring that students across the region have the resources they need to succeed.

Through its Care for Kids Scholarship Programme, the foundation has awarded nearly USD $70,000 this year, benefiting 42 secondary and tertiary students as they pursue their academic dreams in 2024.

The programme not only provides financial assistance but also offers a holistic support system, covering medical expenses and housing, while connecting students with mentors who guide and support them throughout their educational journey. This comprehensive approach ensures that students are equipped with the tools they need to succeed.

“We believe that education is more than just a gateway to knowledge—it’s a lifeline to hope and opportunity,” said Heidi Clarke, Executive Director of the Sandals Foundation. “Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of watching these scholarships change lives in ways that are truly inspiring. I’ve seen students grow into successful professionals, and I’ve witnessed how our infrastructure upgrades, teacher training, and school supplies have created environments where children can flourish.”

This year, we are proud to celebrate the achievements of Daniel Mayers and Nuala Augustine, who are graduating as recipients of the Care for Kids Scholarship Programme. Daniel reflected on his experience, saying, “I truly appreciated the boost that my education received through the care for kids scholarship. The programme itself was challenging enough, without having to worry about how I was going to pay for it. ” Nuala added, “It was always a pleasure to hear from the Sandals Foundation representative, because I knew that it meant that my scholarship was being renewed. I worked hard and I awaited that call to ensure that I could continue with my studies. Thank you Sandals Foundation for my education.”

This academic year, the care for kids programme continues in Saint Lucia and Bayode Mitchel-Toure and Immanuel Charles, both past students of the Gros Islet Primary School, are among the beneficiaries.

The efforts are aligned with the philanthropic organization’s investment in the region’s education sector – providing resources and creating holistic learning environments for students young and old.

SOURCE: Sandals


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  1. Sandals with all what all you are doing with our labor, all we are asking is to grant us the privilege to be represented by a trade union. Once this is granted, we will forget the 24 million Chastanet gave you from our taxes.


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