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British Man Arrested After Shocking Incident In Rodney Bay

A man whom police identified as a  British national is facing initial assault and damage to property charges after a disturbing incident on Thursday that left construction workers injured and sparked public outrage.

Well-informed sources have told St. Lucia Times that the charges are likely to change to ones of a more serious nature.

According to reports, the man was reportedly using strong language while scolding his son after school near a construction site in Rodney Bay. 

The situation escalated when construction workers on a scaffolding intervened, seemingly in an attempt to de-escalate the situation.

Moments later, the man allegedly drove his vehicle into the scaffolding where the workers were positioned, injuring those on it. To make matters worse, his young child was reportedly in the back seat of the vehicle at the time of the incident.

The shocking incident was captured on CCTV cameras, with the footage quickly making rounds on social media and triggering widespread condemnation.

“He should be arrested,” multiple individuals wrote online.

Police acted swiftly, arresting the suspect later that day. The man is currently in custody awaiting formal charges, which could eventually include attempted murder and possibly child endangerment.

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  1. I hope Social Services has custody of the child … I shudder to think what level of woman battering and child abuse exist in that home … why those workers failed to make good use of the pieces of metal at their disposal is really baffling 🤔

  2. I’m glad the workers stepped up for that child. This situation exposed the man for what he really is. Now hopefully that child will not have to suffer at the hands of that man anymore. I hope the workers were not too badly injured and will heal quickly.

  3. Sometimes we wonder why kids behave the way they behave at school and these are the reasons. Obviously, this guy is out of control. This is clearly attempted murder. I trust the law deals with this situation fairly. I also believe that given this guy has no regard for human lives (black lives at that) he should be deported once the case is resolved. I trust the workers will sue this guy out of his eyeballs. I also understood that this is not the first time he has displayed this level of anger and he is also the holder of a licensed firearm.

  4. I agree fully with anonyuous 2 . He has no respect or regard for people – St. Lucians nor St. Lucia . He deserve a public flogging at the site and to be ” kicked ” off the island

  5. “Moments later, the man allegedly drove his vehicle into the scaffolding,” “allegedly” was not there, he drove his vehicle into the scaffolding, the evidence is there for all to see, why can’t the news report call it like it is, already this is cause for concern. Most likely the reporter saw the CCTV footage of the incident, why can’t the reporter just relay what is there, stick to the facts, that’s all.

  6. Nah doh give no excuse about mental breakdown because he white and British and dog treat him differently than you would have treated a Lucian from coolie town or Marchand. Hold mate at Bordelais and let the full extent of the law be felt, but we all know that’s wishful thinking. Nothing will come of this. This will disappear just like the container of drugs delivered at Courts Saint Lucia limited.

  7. This is why I like Jamaica; he would have received a good beating with all that metal around.

    It seems that Lucians are only bad man when dealing with each other.

    Docile small islands like ours better put a stop to this before we get like South Africa where a white man thinks that he can kill a man and feed him to pigs.

    The man will now get himself a good lawyer and claim that he had a moment of “temporary anger” and will use the defense that white people who unjustly attack black people like using, ” I felt threatened because I was outnumbered”.

  8. This Human Animal should be hauled before the.Courts charged then Sued. Made to pay Compensation and possiblely give jail time after Compensation is paud in full then Deported. We cannot allow those white Racist to come into our beautiful island and get away with this bullshit. Again he is lucky to be alive with the kind of guys i know that work on Construction sites. The British Embassy shoul be.notified to have this child in protective custody. I feel sorry for this child. We need strong Social Services Laws in St.Lucia

  9. The ‘human rights lawyers’ will come out to protect him, and say it wasn’t his fault, that he shouldn’t be charged, that he was provoked to wrath, and that based on this, he should be cautioned and released.

  10. if he has a license firearm I hope the authorities revoked that from him because clearly with such attitude we all can imagine what he is capable of doing. no wonder the guys didn’t put him down right there. from the video I may be wrong but it looks like he is holding something in his hand so I was wondering if it was a firearm that’s why he didn’t get what he deserved

  11. Fully agree with all charges. Just wonder where them CCTV cameras are when boys shooting or jabbing one another. Real is real everyone bleeds red, but so quick to solve that and arrest and raise charges. How about the rest?

  12. I hope he isn’t let off lightly because he’s a British national and obviously feels entitled because he has some money.
    My heart hurts for tht child.
    I hope he is charged with attempted murder!

  13. I will tell you this. If a black man did this in England he would definitely get jail time and get deported back to his home country. The way I see this, this man needs to serve a full 5 years in jail, zero chance of parole, then deport his backside back to England. That is what they would do to us.

  14. Love is not my religion. The comment is peripheral to the situation, bottom line is CCTV captured the event, if there’s no CCTV on a thousand other crimes that is also irrelevant, it has absolutely nothing to do with the case at hand.

  15. Thank goodness for the cctv footage. Somewhere in saint lucia , there is atleast one lawyer who is already concocted a defence to try to dismiss the severity of this attempted murder. Somewhere is saint lucia a few calls are being made to try to free him because of his skin colour, origin and maybe socioeconomic status. Let’s see how this turns out….I bet the news channels will receive no more updates on this case….keep it on a down lo

  16. This is a bad man who’s acted in a disgusting way, the fact y’all bring this to race is utterly pathetic and shows your ignorance. The devils red, not black or white. He should be banged up in jail cos he’s a monster, regardless of the colour of his skin. One of these days y’all realise your the racists, not the white man!

  17. The construction worker chiming in probably precipitated this incident; somebody on edge was pushed over the edge by a meddling outside influence. Maybe people will learn to mind their own business.

  18. I noticed that not one of the British tabloids or broadsheets have covered this story. It is mainly because the defendant in this story is white and British. If he was the victim than they would all be covering it. It is only when a white Briton is a victim of crime they afford him coverage. The gutter press of Fleet Street is extremely bias and lopsided. I was talking to a Caribbean reporter who covers British angled stories and he was of the same thought and belief. It is no wonder that the British were able to do so many awful things and was able to get away with it… The things that you can get away with when you are White and British…I hope he gets what is coming to him… It’s called karma Englishman

  19. JBoy it is about race! Yes he is a “bad man who acted in a disgusting way,” but he also made derogatory statements about the workers. So yes it is about race. The fact that he could go into his vehicle and drive into human beings it very obvious he doesn’t care about their lives. Yes they were only black men working for an honest living. I am sure he would think twice if it was a different ethnic group. It is about race. @Anonymous to say that people need to mind their business is an awful statement. There is a minor involved, Parental instincts will automatically take over.

  20. What has human rights gotta do with it when a man tries to mow down innocent people? This white man was taking out his frustration on the poor black folks on the scaffolding. He did this on purpose and was deliberate. The English think that they are entitled wherever they go to. They come with such insolence and arrogance it beggars belief. They behave like we owe them something in the Caribbean. White privilege and entitlement knows no bounds. Look at how they treated people in Kenya recently. They took advantage of the poor Kenyan women and nothing is being done about it. This white man can call himself lucky in that the scaffolds were not used by the workers to defend themselves. In the words of Malcolm X it is called Self-defense and it is no offense.

    For too long we have allowed stingy and third-rated Englishmen to come and treat us like dirt in our own countries here in the Caribbean and our good-for-nothing governments does nothing about it. Instead of them doing something about it they prefer to sit down with these aggressors and oppressors to drink wine rum and have dinner. This white geezer will get away with it before you know it. He will find out who the workers that he injured are with the help of “soocouers” who will sell their guts to the white man. He will offer them a few drinks and deal done. They will then drop the charges.

    This man should have his passport confiscated as he might be a flight risk. He should then be held on remand before his case is heard in the courts system. The CPS should not be allowed to do any deals with this Englishman. He should be detained and brought to court where his case will be heard. He should be made an example of. These rascals keep coming to our island and abusing our people. They need to be stopped in their tracks. We have enough of this going in this country. It is time to stop. He would not get away with such disgraceful behaviour in England. He would be banged up and rightly so. Please stop allowing foreigners to belch and burp on our people and not doing anything about it. It is time to act St Lucia.

  21. Maybe that’s why this country is fast becoming lawless, because some want people to mind their own business. These same people would call for help when they or their families become victims. That’s why many countries adopt the saying “if you see something say something “. And if the perpetrator calls black people by the “n” word, then it’s all about race.

  22. And of course, we’re already seeing excuses for this kind of behavior, it was not his fault, he was already close to the edge, and somebody three floors above and 30 meters away asked him to stop ill treating the child, and that pushed him over the edge. So it has nothing to do with him, it’s all the fault of the construction worker. Poor British national, he is being blamed for something entirely beyond his control! How pathetic!

  23. Same British Canadian high and mighty entitlement issues with Cabot sat. Night these …. Had a pyrotechnic fireworks show directly on the casenbas cemetery in the cove along with loud terrible music blaring all night long ,,,,did they request application for these fireworks why are thy not forced Cowen to bring in noiseless fireworks for Gods Sake!!!smmph let’s go!!!

  24. Only in St. Lucia can a white man commit this act and walk away from it. I guarantee you if this happened where I currently reside….the medical examiner would be picking up the fool. If you are that mental you need to be housed in a mental institution…period full stop. This fool could have caused serious injury or worst to several individuals….let’s see how this one plays out – he is probably out on bail as of the writing of this post….

  25. With all this writing no one has revealed who this man is. You mean to tell me in a small community like Rodney Bay no one is able to tell whether the man is White, black or Asian British. You lot keep blurting on about him being white because you assume that everyone who is British is white. That is so far off from the truth. I was born in the UK and I am as dark as charcoal and I love my blackness and darkness. My parents coming from Canaries making me also Lucian.

    I am wondering whether this man is white and is married to a black woman. How about the kid? What does he look like? People need to stop speculating and write facts. It is no point writing all this and only to find out later that the man is not white and that the kid is of a different hue — Please stick to the facts people. I know that the English whites are stingy penurious and brutal at times but please release more information about this man’s identity. People have a right to know. The mere fact that he was arrested his name should have been released and once charged all about him will be in the public domain. You folks are too indolent to go find out. Instead all you lot do is to spread verbatim and speculation.

    Will someone be bold enough to go find out more about this bloke? He could be Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish as Britain is made up of four main countries. What is killing off the quality of journalism in St Lucia is the lack of a proper investigation. People hear something either thru word of mouth,social media and they just run with it without furnishing it without full and proper details. If this happened the way that is being described here then this is disgraceful and awful. This man has no right to go on such a rampage and to run amok in the manner that he did. He could have seriously injured someone and worst still kill someone on the scaffoldings., then we would be dealing with murder and not attempted murder like the story said. These people need to be stopped in their tracks. They really do. I implore you people to release facts and not hearsay.

  26. We are to quick to judge I no this man as a respective man and a caring father something must had really gone bad .note well I don’t support what he did but he is a really good father

  27. Anonymous, you say that you know this man and that he is a good father. Why don’t you write a bit more about him so that people can have a clear understanding of who he is? I have a feeling that you could well be this man And hence your rumbling on. This behaviour is reprehensible and vile and has no place in any civil society. I was born and bred in England and I can assure you that had he done this in England he would have got done. Social services and the old bill would have gotten involved and he would be taken away to spend time on remand until his date in court.

    Are you the man in question Anonymous? Is that you writing striving to protect your name and reputation? White people cannot handle nor can they cope being among too many black people. I have seen it many times and it is a fact. They feel intimidated and like a fish out of water and hence the reason why they lash out unreasonably and disobligingly. If you are not this man then you need to stop making excuses for him and let him take whatever that is coming to him as a man. Please stop making excuses for white people and their rotten bad manners and behaviour. He would not dare do that in his native Britain. He can also count himself lucky that there was no black person from the UK around cause he would have gotten a damn good hiding. St Lucia needs to wake up from white oppression and entitlement. There are many who are shielding these rascals and they need to be called out for doing so.

    I love St Lucia as it is the island of my parents. They came to England in the 1950s from Canaries. I may be British by nationality but I am St Lucian to the bone. I will not allow anyone to disrespect my people. Please send people like this packing with their white tails between their legs… Big Up St Lucia!


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