The Ministry of Equity Welfare Unit has warned of the deletion of Public Assistance Programme (PAP) accounts that are unverified for three months, declaring that the programme cannot confirm if beneficiaries are still eligible.
The warning came as the Ministry urged PAP beneficiaries to attend the programme’s March 2025 biannual review.
A Ministry release described the March 3 event as critical for maintaining accurate records and ensuring the continuity of financial support.
The release quoted Head of the Welfare Unit, Jahn McFarlane, expressing concern over the low turnout at the last review in September 2024, which could contribute significantly to disruptions in upcoming payments.
“Coming out of our last review, we also move into suspensions, so all persons who did not present on the last review, by end of February will find that they will not receive the cash transfer,” McFarlane explained.
“The accounts will be suspended until such time that they present themselves and we can update the information. With that also, once they present themselves and we can validate and update the information, we will compensate them for the suspended period,” the Welfare Unit Head stated.
According to the Ministry release, she also emphasised the importance of monitoring the programme closely due to high demand.
There are over 1,000 applicants on the waitlist, and others are eligible but not yet added on.
“The review and the re-certification also serve as monitoring. And so, as persons move out of poverty, some become employed, children graduate from school, household circumstances change, then they become eligible, to graduate from the programme,” McFarlane noted.
The Ministry of Equity, noting the high volume of individuals and limited resources, has urged the public to be patient.
It said all applicants on the wait list will receive attention in due time as the Ministry continues its ongoing efforts to support the most vulnerable in society.
Under PAP, over three thousand underprivileged, impoverished, marginalised, and vulnerable households receive a monthly grant ranging from $215 to about $450.
A very good start, and it’s way overdue..
Thank you for sharing this with…We can eradicate poverty in this island..