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Descartes-Pelius Emphasises Teamwork In Crime-Fighting


Acting Police Commissioner Crusita Descartes-Pelius underscored the value of teamwork in crime-fighting during the first press conference since her appointment.

She spoke of the need for teamwork with her executive and support for the rank and file of the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force while highlighting the need for collaboration with other agencies to make crime-fighting a success.

The Acting Police Commissioner declared that fighting crime is not the sole responsibility of the police.

In this regard, she looked forward to working with all agencies to make crime-fighting easier and transform Saint Lucia into a better place for all.

“I have the full cooperation of my executive and I feel I have the cooperation of the rank and file of the organisation,” Descartes–Pelius stated.

However, she disclosed that resources might pose a challenge in fighting crime.

At the same time, Descartes-Pelius observed that gun violence is a serious issue.

“We have all our crime-fighting strategies to deal with this issue. We are hoping that with other stakeholders we can make this challenge easier. The force will get the relevant training required to empower our officers – the men and women of the organisation to effectively deal with this phenomenon,” the Acting Police Commissioner told Wednesday’s news conference.

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  1. Not all People are goin to like this suggestion…. Why not implement a tax to all agency’s on island , All resorts and Hotels that a tax will be implemented to enforce the force RSLP that protects them and their tourists going all over the island! These giant new companies Blue waters, vehicle sale company’s, post offices, drug stores all should contribute more towards the RSLP Force that protects every man woman and child on this island and visiting this island!. Resources are scarce, Embassy’s not all contributing to the well being of St. Lucia, bring it Madame Commissioner make them step up!.

  2. Ma’am your police office don’t take the job seriously. Unless you have them enforcing all laws they lose the moral authority. Once you lose moral authority the public won’t cooperate.

  3. Reread man , u want a metal detector at customs? U want more resources for RSLP and additional specific tax for Police!.

  4. Madam I congratulate you on your post. Yes I do agree that fighting crime is not the sole responsibility of the police force. We the citizens are willing to play our part providing you will not let power corrupt your mind. We ask that you give fairly to your officers who work hard is dedicated to the force promotion that is due to them. We ask that you do not let friends and politicians push you in promoting the lazy officers that will not go an extra mile nor knows how to do their job. We have too many of them in high post that those you bypass for are the ones advising them . Treat your officers with respect , be unbias and fair and let us all rally with you to create a better and more productive police force. Peace and love

  5. My lady we all know this by now. Repeating these same phrases over at a press conference says top cops do not have a clue as how to go about tackling crime using a different strategy. You sound like all of you are out of ideas. Also, if you have to tackle crime you start from the top. We have corrupt leaders in all sectors no wonder there has not been a real solution in tacking the high crime. It is an eye for an eye these days. Everyone thinks that they can outdo each other. If it takes coming together I guess you had discuss your strategy with the former commissioner as well as the other assistant commissioner and the deputy commissioner and no solutions have come through . It is as simple as that. Stop relying heavily on the public and enforce laws and work with the magistrates. Too many friends of friends. Apply the law and stop letting people get away with crime which we call petty. Also, add surveillance to the list of crime fighting not vehicles upon vehicles. We are too soft on crime that is the problem.


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