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WATCH: Cabot Saint Lucia Gives Financial Aid To SALCC Students


Cabot Saint Lucia has made good on its promise to provide full scholarships to students pursuing hospitality studies at the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College.

As we hear in this report, the partnership between the College and Cabot Saint Lucia is assisting  the 15 students with financial aid, tools and other resources critical to their studies.

SOURCE: Cabot Saint Lucia

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  1. its a miracle that idiot student nurse has not commented here as yet or maybe its to early. she can take her plight to cabot

  2. The same Cabot some individuals wanted gone out of Saint Lucia to invest in other countries and to be doing all what they have done to help Saint Lucia and st Lucians thus far. I swear people are just so dumb .

  3. Thank you CABOT for helping these students. It is investment such as this, spending some Bucks on the youth to give them a start in life. Cabot is in the Golf and recreational business, Golf is Big Time among the more fortunate in the world, they employ a whole lot of people in their business, and here they are helping the young, something I haven’t seen the likes of. Instead its always ‘de white man, slave owners, or lately, Chastanet say dis, we go bury him kick him out’ and so on. My Lucian people, Pray God for His Blessings, He’ll answer us, Amen.


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