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CARPHA Gets Chinese Funding To Buy Laboratory Equipment


The People’s Republic of China has provided fifty thousand United States dollars (US$50,000.00) to the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), through the CARICOM Secretariat, to purchase laboratory equipment and supplies.

CARPHA Executive Director, Dr. Joy St. John stated “CARPHA is very appreciative of this donation, which will significantly contribute to our laboratory work in support of our Member States”.

CARICOM Secretariat Assistant Secretary-General, Human and Social Development, Ms. Alison Drayton also expressed appreciation and stated that “support to strengthen capacity in the area of public health was an important contribution to enhancing resilience in the Region”.

Earlier this year, at the Foreign Ministers’ Meeting among China and Caribbean countries, State Councillor and Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China, His Excellency Wang Yi reiterated his government’s support for the Region.

“Now more than ever, he said, China and Caribbean countries need to strengthen solidarity, overcome difficulties together, deepen cooperation and create a better future”.

SOURCE: Caribbean Public Health Agency


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  1. Money talks loudly when human rights is ignored. China gives with one hand to ‘poor Black begging nations’ and takes away with another. The next to offer support is Russia, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The Caribbean region is a m/billionaire’s playground for prostitution. The Caribbean region should honour itself in being buggered, used and abused with eyes and legs wide open. A means to an end. Well done!

  2. @ Carole Middleton

    Well long before these lastest entrants we were being utilized by the British and French Empire, followed by the US. So the illusion of independence continues….


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