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One Man Dead, Two Others Injured After Bexon Shooting


Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding a shooting at Marc, Bexon.

A report of a shooting was referred to the Criminal Investigations Department, Castries about 10:15 p.m. on Thursday 11 May, 2023.

RSLPF Retraction & Apology Over Homicide Report

On arrival on the scene Officers were informed that three (3) males were shot at Marc, Bexon. They were later transported to a medical facility via private transportation.

On Friday May 12, 2023 Officers were informed by a medical practitioner that one of the male victims succumbed. He was later identified as twenty-five (25) years old Nyiam Callender of Marc, Bexon.

The Royal St. Lucia Police Force wishes to urge anyone with information regarding this incident to contact the nearest police station or the Criminal Investigations Department at 456-3770, 456-3817 or the Crime Hotline at 555 (for anonymous reporting).

SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force

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  1. Those thugs and cockroaches refuse to go and work for 2 to 5 EC dollars an hour to purchase their house, car, and land like the rest of us . I wonder why that they prefer to live a life of crime than to go and work in the private sector …

  2. I have asked that question many times. What about all the gun cases where people have been arrested and bailed? We are not hearing the completion of any case. Why?
    Is it that adjournment is the end result? Ms Phulchere we want to hear something.

  3. Marc and Bexon area full of cockroache crooks playing heavy weight with people money, well baygon spraying now ,they know them selves.

  4. I don’t understand why this story still on your website when you have another story saying the police was wrong and that Callender is still alive.


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