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NCOPT Committed To Providing More Efficient Public Transportation


Amid continuing complaints from commuters, Saint Lucia’s National Council on Public Transportation (NCOPT) says it is committed to providing a more efficient public service.

NCOPT President Godfrey Ferdinand has disclosed that the discussion regarding public transportation sector improvements is continuing.

“The reason for the discussion is to upgrade the system to make it more efficient,” Ferdinand explained, adding that the focus areas include customer service, driver attitude, and the condition of vehicles.

Ferdinand, who recently returned to the helm of the NCOPT for another two-year tenure, recalled that the organisation had been clamouring for a disciplinary committee.

“We are looking forward to it. It is in the making. We thank the Ministry for assisting and at least trying to push it so that we can put some more discipline within the sector,” he stated.

Ferdinand also spoke of the need to modernise the sector.

In addition, he disclosed that there is still a passion for introducing a cashless system.

“We are also looking at existing routes – creating other routes. That is something we’ve been looking at. Presently there is a report coming out and it will make certain recommendations and we will go according to the recommendations to enhance the system,” the NCOPT President noted.


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  1. Some countries in the Caribbean are trying to resist moving to cashless transactions, but it has to happen for the countries to expand. Visitors coming to visit want the option of cash and cashless. And some do take the local buses.

  2. This guy Goddfrey is like a Lucian Politician. Always have a comment and relying on a report. Btw which Public Bus System. Every the same story about cashless, discipline etc. Cashless. So when a bus breakdown or a driver take another rod or is rude and driving reckless and i wann go down. How i getting my money back right away to board another bus???? First deal with the slate of divers u have then……

  3. How is customer service training for these old ignorant fools going to make the transporstiom service more effecient? How will that speed up the service? How will that transport more people to their destination in a timely manner?
    The only way to make the service more efficient is to have bigger buses and run them on a 24 hour schedule cuz there are people who work round the clock. Its time yalla stop pampering these old ignorant drivers and do what the public is asking you guys for. Expand the roads so we can accomodate more traffic. Enforce highway rules to allow the traffic to flow freely. Stop allowing learners on the road during peak hours or at least ban thm from the highway when people trying to get to work.

    All these will speed up and make the transportation system more effecient but none was mentioned. These guys are a joke and a waste of our tax dollars. All they have is tired old ideas that put money in their friends pockets more than it helps the citizenry.


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