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Concern Over Road Incidents Involving Potholing Crews, Including Verbal Abuse From Motorists


The Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Department of Infrastructure, Ports and Transport, Lenita Joseph, has expressed concern over road incidents involving potholing crews that fix the roads.

They include complaints from the potholing crews regarding verbal abuse from motorists.

Joseph disclosed that, in some cases, motorists had driven recklessly towards crew members.

She recalled that the Department recorded one fatality in the last few months.

In addition, there was another incident last week.

But Joseph explained that the crew member was not badly injured.

She said the Department had taken steps to create a safe environment for members of its potholing crews, including providing protective equipment.

But in a statement Wednesday, Joseph urged the public to exercise caution when approaching roadwork sites.

Her complete statement appears below.


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  1. my question is what really happened before that the motorist had to act in such a way towards the potholers? there are always two sides to a story

  2. Motorist have to Demonstrate at the Premises of the Minister of Infra Structure for the Poor Conditions of Roads in St.Lucis.He Complained about the Rain was falling now we in the Rainy Season.Secondly the Road Repair Crew have no Supervision the Refuse to patch Small Holes in the Road .In a matter of Days the Small holes get very Wide and Deep..The Foundation of the Roads in St.Lucia is Not good at all The heavy Duty trucks With load Sinks the Roads Island wide

  3. Must Yellow Clowns they are the biggest Critiques of road repairs/conditions. They don’t like to see progress, every day they will get and cuss King or the PM on everything they want to do and attach it to roads not been repaired that’s the kind of CLOWNS they are crazy/deranged/spiteful/dysfunctional/Red eye. Be bamn when you do and eternally damned when you don’t.

  4. @The Most Honorable Lucia Highgrade for some reason “You never cease to amaze me.” with your comments…

  5. Dear Ms. dps lady,

    I agree that workers must be treated fairly and with respect not only by the public BUT by you as well. You send those guys out there on the busiest carriageway on island with the most incomprehensible signage that is intended to keep them safe….1 detour sign and a few cones wth? You have them cleaning drains on the busiest morning Saturday along the Castries Gros Islet highway when you have the data to inform this within your own Ministry. Where is your traffic management plan for such works …where are the press releases and media notifications? I am not saying you all should aim for perfection but what I see out there is sheer incompetence and disregard for safety of road workers and motorists.

  6. 2 days ago, coming down morne road, hit a pothole. Cut tyre on side wall. Have to buy a new tyre. That is after paying $225 in road tax.

  7. Motorist will be pissed of you all keep messing up….poorly placed signage when you do decide to have them….deciding to do routine cleaning during the busiest hours and day of the week like Saturday mid morning…not notifying road users ahead of scheduled works. Square pegs in triangular holes!

  8. A few undercover cops can help solve that problem very quickly. Enough ⛔️ warning ⚠️. Time to prosecute.


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