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Pierre Highlights ‘Amazing Week’ Of Fulfilled Promises


Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre took to Facebook on Saturday to highlight what he described as an ‘amazing week’ that saw several promises fulfilled by his ruling Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) administration.

“What an amazing week it has been for the people of Saint Lucia. My administration has delivered projects and programmes that will positively impact the lives of thousands of people,” Pierre wrote.

In this regard, he listed the removal of VAT on select building materials, sanitary napkins, adult diapers and baby diapers, and rolling out the Health & Citizen Security Levy to strengthen health and citizen security delivery.

Pierre also noted signing the agreement for the Redevelopment of the Castries Harbor, Vendors Arcade, Soufriere Waterfront, Castries Waterfront and Bananes Fishermen’s Bay among his administration’s fulfilled promises.

In addition, he pointed to securing financing for reconstructing St. Jude Hospital and rehabilitating the George Odlum National Stadium.

” We give praises to God for delivering us and providing us with the wisdom and courage to serve our people,” the Castries East MP said.

And Pierre urged giving thanks to the Lord and celebrating a week of good news and promises fulfilled.


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  1. The downfall of Dr. Kenny Anthony was the glacial pace at which he executed his projects. The man would wait almost forever to undergo a simple task. You, on the other hand, are resolute, decisive, and a go-getter in performing your duties. Kenny suffered from the “paralysis of the analysis” so please don’t drink his cool-aid. Keep on moving forward.

  2. Awa padna. The roads still mashing up my vehicle. I still haven’t gotten my tax refunds. Crime still high. St. Jude’s still not finish. All a y’all are a waste.

  3. I’m so happy for my people of St.lucia, especially the people of V-Fort that will finally have the Hospital/Facility they deserve to care for the sick and injured Patients and people of St.lucia, whenever I visit my country it is heart breaking to see the hospital in the Stadium. Thank you Jesus for the Help, Funds, Individuals, Companies, Institutions and Government for all they are willing to do for my people thank you. May God almighty continue to Guide, protect and blessed my country and my people of St.lucia in Jesus name 🙏 ♥️ ❤️ 🙌.

  4. How about fixing the obstacle courses that used to be roads! And how about completing the Gros ISLET highway! Visitors to the island are appalled at the horrible condition of our roads!!! It doesn’t matter who started the construction. JUST GET IT DONE!!!

  5. “Show and Tell”.
    All well and good … but it would indeed by even better, if you gave a “strategic plan” of when government’s good deeds can be realised and materialised. Your talks are good, but we need to see the “proof of the pudding”.
    Re the “harbour works”: When will it begin? How long will it take? WE, the people, need information on this, instead of the “hype talk”. This “hype-talk” does not go down too well in this day and age.
    Time to start “Show and Tell”.

  6. And Further …. the roads in SLU need to be more looked at than the harbour, which I am sure will be to accommodate more cruise ships – which does not leave much money in the pockets of taxi driver, and vendors.

    According to @Anonymous – complete the Gros Islet highway (a UWP stronghold) so that ALL PEOPLE can benefit.

  7. Clearly my PM doesn’t get it:

    Let me break down the “achievements”

    1. Removal of VAT on products which will not redound to the benefit of the consumers as greedy business owners will undoubtedly keep as profit.

    2. Celebration of a 2.5% tax which will increase cost of goods for everyone. Only PJP!

    3. Celebration of giving away one of our most profitable assets for the next 40 years. Aa if we could not use the profits generated by these assets for our own insfrastuctural development.

    4. Celebration of a loan/ debt to the public purse of ECD$200m.

    If these are what we are supposed to celebrate, we have some even tougher years ahead!

  8. PJP honestly IDK which school you went to and certainly if you went inside of a school you would have been thought some basic qualities in school and at home that is to be honest, fair and to assist those who you can. Now you are a leader and you continue to lie to the people. That’s a tuff pill to swallow at this age and at this time. Tell the people of St. Lucia you’re unfit to lead this banana republic

  9. The existing Government has the right ideas: improve the water front, complete the hospital. However, we don’t have the details for these plans and St. Lucia Governments do not have a good track record for executing projects. So, its the execution that worry me.

    Now lets concentrate on investing in our people. Too many local ideas and endeavors have gone unsupported; thus, we do not have a manufacturing sector. Our Government is broke. You need to create a tax-base; but an economy just on the importation of good and all-inclusive hotels is not the way. We need to manufacture goods and services that we can sell.

  10. Thank you Vibez for clarifying. I swear this country is filled with simpletons that can’t see the bigger picture. Or perhaps this comment section is littered with the worst St. Lucia has to offer.

  11. The $200,000,000. loan is not something to play with. Some minor amount is for the Air Port repair, a much greater amount is for the many buildings comprising the St. Jude’s, of which hardly any would qualify under International Standards as a Hospital facility. I am happy for something, that the George Odlum Stadium will one day stop masquerading as a Hospital and hardly as a Stadium. It has long been my opinion that this so called Stadium should be completely demolished, and the Site should be used as a training College for Nurses, Medical Technicians and other staff.
    One last note is that, the last administration spent a fabulous amount of Tax payers money, using, what is thought to be the most modern Hospital design in one building, rather than several buildings, compos of several Roofs, Foundations, Corridors, Nurse Stations, Baths, Washrooms, isolated facilities instead of ‘one building under one roof’ standing on one foundation, I could go on; from since the 50’s I’ve traveled throughout Europe and North America, seen dozens of Hospitals under one roof with all available facilities within four exterior walls, with one or several elevators.
    After the last elections, the present Administration discontinued the construction of the Modern Hospital; we St. Lucians know why, but was that necessary? some say it was because of petty, small mindedness; I always thought we were one people, one nation under God, but my opinion lately I better keep to myself. There’s a God above and St Lucia will be blessed, irrespective of who governs – GOD Governs.

  12. Pip people not eating projects..where is price control in st lesi the people a dying with hunger it’s very expensive at massy..that’s is not putting the people first Mr prime Minister

  13. @ Joycline Samuel.
    Please note that (he pointed to securing financing for reconstructing). Those funds aren’t in existence yet. This means it may take another 2-3 years to acquire. At which time they will Benoit of office.
    In my opinion this should have been on the priority list. SMH.

  14. We must be able to understand what we read ….@ Joycline Samuel.
    Please note that (he pointed to securing financing for reconstructing). Those funds aren’t in existence yet. This means it may take another 2-3 years to acquire. At which time they will Benoit of office.
    In my opinion this should have been on the priority list. SMH.

  15. Hear us, Shepherd of Israël,
    you who lead Joseph like a flock,
    you who enthroned between the chérubin, Shine forth before 🇱🇨 St Lucia…
    Your compassion is great, you tunnel things in the rock, your eyes sees all it treasure ❗
    Restore 🇱🇨 St Lucia to the brinks and heal its wounds.
    Blessed are those who have learned to acclamé you…
    Praise awaits in 🇱🇨 St Lucia,O LORD ❗

    With the grace give you HPM of 🇱🇨 St Lucia, continue….
    “When you make a vow, you must fullfill ”
    A good king gives it/a country Stability when it is their power to act,to have a good return for your work ‼️
    And please remember to untie the colts of the hard working donkeys and let them free, though are slaves, but does not desserted in bondages…
    Remember to compensate the hired workmen and women with a fair wage of ten$dollars per hour rather than three cents per hour…

  16. @Vibes ninkcompoop and The Just saying nonsense…’s ECD$ 200 million not USD$ 200 million like was borrowed from the bank of Taiwan by your head yellow clown “Simpleton”. The reduction on basic goods (AGAIN) this.was done by his Most Honorable KDA to elevate the burden on the working poor but much to the dislike of Allan Chastanet Cliques in the business community the VAT was (fact) REINSTATED. Of course keeping the VAT low on building materials will stimulate growth in the construction industry and economy. Keep on crying your yellow river that’s what you are paid to do, Simpletons see right thru you fool.

  17. @Vibez, very well put! I can’t understand the celebration and victory of getting a loan that will be on our backs and our children. That’s something to celebrate? Smh. The removal of VAT is a good move, however, the people who should be benefitting probably don’t have the finances because the price of almost everything has skyrocketed.


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