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NGP Leader Says World Bank Halt To Uganda Loans Over Anti-Gay Law ‘Stunning’


The leader of Saint Lucia’s National Green Party (NGP), Andre ‘Pancho’ de Caires, has described as ‘stunning’ a World Bank decision to halt new loans to Uganda over a new anti-gay law.

The Bank said the new law contradicts the lending institution’s values.

Homosexual acts were already illegal in Uganda.

But anyone now convicted faces life imprisonment under the new law effective in May.

Uganda dismissed the move by the World Bank as unjust, hypocritical, and draconian.

“That is pure racism, not of color but because of traditions and rights,” NGP leader Andre ‘Pancho’ de Caires said regarding the World Bank decision.

In addition, de Caires observed a disconnect between Western and more conservative developing countries.

“We have to draw a line,” de Caires told St. Lucia Times.

“We don’t want this agenda here,” he asserted, as he took issue with efforts to force the same-sex agenda with little regard for local culture.

The NGP leader reiterated that there is an anti-bullying campaign in Saint Lucia primary schools discouraging discrimination based on colour and other factors.

“We have nothing against you,” he said regarding lesbian and gay people, declaring that no coaching from the West is needed on how to treat such individuals.

However, de Caires noted that the Caribbean region has traditions it holds dear and should not be forced to adopt Western values.


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  1. People who bow to “the money god” will very likely “bend over” to earn favour from the money god and its perverted worshipers!

  2. A continent like Africa with so many resources still depend on European powers for their survival look at what the French is happening to Niger take for example in st lucia black people keep fighting each other you plant a garden and is the same lazy black youtes that steal your plantain in your garden to sell to smoke cocaine

  3. Pancho seems to have just caught up. Neocolonialism is alive and well with the support of local clods. Respect for local values is a one-way street. Everyone must bow to American or European values. In essence, everyone’s culture is inferior. Poor Pancho, he is yet to learn the other commandment. Do as I say, not what I do.

  4. oh boyyy…no matter how long, its coming to us all at some point….Caribbean countries tie yourll waist…..we gonna be pulled off life support if we try not to bow down to them… with other anti-laws…….is this what we are to do? do as they say or else??? then people of this world come on, dont you see a problem in that?? but its gonna get worse…this world is not getting better…..lets open our eyes and see whats happening…..when they say peace, sudden destruction is soon to come..

  5. Some African military leaders are overthrowing their governments and stopping the plundering of their resources by France, America and other western countries. This is music to my ears for this action has been long awaited. This is the only way Africa will be taken out of poverty and chart their own destiny. This is the only way they will not depend on money from the world bank to survive – and mind you, money made from the very resources plundered from their country. I hope the other puppet leaders in Africa suffer the same fate, for a continent which is so rich cannot be so poor at the same time. Say no to American indoctrination and let’s maintain our cultural identity and traditions.

  6. The “New World Oder” is in effect. Do as I say or else be sanctioned. BRICS will help to alleviate this dilemma.

  7. We are the honey moon destination of the world very soon we will be the bulling destination of the world Adam and Steve and eve and eva

  8. Re Article, it’s about time that we stand on our Own..
    The capitalist system fooled us and capatilize while we were at their Universities Brain washing our minds, whiles they take whatever they wanted and laugh at Us being Brain wash..
    I endorse my thoughts and observations..

  9. I hope some people are not overly obsessed with homosexuality; the good book warns us on the pitfalls and punishment of that abomination, but it is said also that in the End times many will fall from the Faith (His Grace) and sinfulness will abound.
    Likewise the punishment to fallow will undoubtedly be great. Not long ago it was said that certain publications/books have been in circulation in other Islands, undoubtedly Barbados; does not surprise me at all; see who is the P.M. – Uganda on the other hand have banned the practice and have proclaimed life imprisonment for the guilty. These strange ‘Bedfellows’ live in a world apart; though may not have anything to do with that, but seeing the devastation on the Island of mawii in Hawaii runs chills down my back. May the good Lord be merciful on us. EZEKIEL 33:11″………..I HAVE NO PLEASURE IN THE DEATH OF THE WICKED; BUT THAT THE WICKED TURN FROM HIS WAY AND LIVE: TURN YE, TURN YE FROM YOUR EVIL WAYS; FOR WHY WILL YE DIE, OH HOUSE OF…………” My prayer for St. Lucia:- TURN.


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