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Street Vibes – Richard Peterkin Takes One For The Road Like Gros Islet MP Kenson Casimir


Well-known Vigie resident Richard Peterkin has hit the road, imitating Gros Islet MP Kenson Casimir.

This after a photo of the MP lying on Daren Sammy Drive in his constituency went viral on social media.

“Oh, how I wish I could snap a finger and get all of the roads in Gros Islet to look like this right now! We will get there,” Casimir wrote under his photo on Facebook.

After the MP’s post racked up many likes and remarks, Richard Peterkin took it lying down and decided to engage in some road rave.

“He got so many notifications and remarks on his post that I am envious, so I decided to show off our road in Vigie that was resurfaced in 2020 before the elections,” Peterkin wrote on Facebook.

“Fresh asphalt is what Jamaicans call ‘carpet,’ and we got ours long before Kenson got his road built, thanks to the heavy roller,’ the Vigie resident noted.

The heavy roller was an apparent reference to Castries North MP, Stephenson King.

King serves as Infrastructure Minister in the Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) Cabinet.

Peterkin said he hoped the response to Casimir’s post would motivate the Gros Islet MP to lay fresh ‘carpet’ all over Saint Lucia.


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  1. Look at them the same ones that said you cannot eat roads. Now have all their teeth out, boasting and even modeling in them as one of their greatest achievements. Peterkin it is clear your silence today is evident what side of the fence you supporting. Youll hypocrites.

  2. Oh no, grandson of Massa…not in black St. Lucia you be this petty…lol. I am with you on the “high roller”, but I am still trying to understand your position. Is it political, or is this a patriotic (no pun intended) protest? if it is a protest, I am with you the grandson of massa, I will go lay down on the Millennium Highway sidewalk and hope the pedestrians to Cul De Sac do the same near the piece of round-a-bout!

  3. Peterkin is clearly one who can be admired for aspects of his life. His respect for family, hard work, etc.
    Unfortunately his support and attempts to deflect from the corruption, immorality , incompetence and underhanded behavuour of the SLP regime is unfortunate and tarnishes his image. Maybe he is oblivious of the composition of Cabinet, or the history of his MP, or the quiet machinations of members of Cabinet, or the $2 billion in borrowing, or the inflation, or hardship of working families, or price of gas, or murders. Afterall Vigie is its own little peninsula and maybe too far away feom mainstrean St Lucia.
    But that is expected. Clearly his bread is buttered and he is willing to take one for the team as it suits his personal agenda, irrespective of the harm to St Lucians.
    I wonder what transpired to make his hate on the LOO so much? Lol!
    We have seen him in such a different light over the past two years. Heavy roller indeed!
    Oh the games people play!

  4. Why are adults lying on the road. That is very dangerous. With so many road fatalities why are adults tempting children to sit, play and engage in lying down on the roads?

  5. I have to ask Guy, what’s about the Odsan/ Barre Denis road? Wasn’t 8 million dollars borrowed to repair that road? Where is that money? Did it end up in Panama?

  6. Re Article and author..
    Another one bites the dust! Too many Dramas.. Issues galore, but the main issue should be taking care of the working poor and overworked people,. They do deserve to be heard also, the slave wages system must be addressed ASAP.. let’s establish a fair living wage system of $10+ per hour based on hours worked.. Too many crimes are being committed including political ones, we are heading to wrong way with Drama’s and too many issues..
    Let’s Cure the cancer by adding disposable income to the working poor and overworked people and stop the cashless issue.. politicians will always be manipulating the weakest Links and that’s the poor and currently the middle class.. Capitalist at large..
    Please correct errors and fill in the blanks..
    I endorse my thoughts and observations..

  7. If pathetic was a person. Peterkin, it’s evident where your loyalty is. In the next three years you will be all over people television. People like you are disgusting. No one takes you serious.

  8. Hahahaha! Zot UWPs anwagé because one thing y’all were harping about was “fix di roads”. Well the roads are being fixed so y’all now saying “look at dem. The same people who were saying people can’t eat roads”. Y’all will continue to be anwajé about because roads are being built all over the place. Look out for it, yours will be next.😅😅😅😅😅😅

  9. @Crow I just reading and laughing how miserable this has made those yellow Clowns look. Just like King Peterkin have them, when elections draw near they are in for a greater shock who else will abandon the yellow submarine just wait. For The Archie Bunker amongst us chu ,”the little black boy” did well at the UN……I guess his speech didn’t inpeed him after all. OH WELL !!!!


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