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WATCH: King Addresses ‘Malicious’ Social Media Post Regarding Choc Bridge


A social media post claiming that the Choc Bridge is ‘becoming critically unstable’ has come under fire from Infrastructure Minister Stephenson King.

The post this week said there was a ‘dangerous dip’ that would put every vehicle crossing the structure at risk.

In addition, it declared that the heatwave and recent rains had worsened the situation.

The Infrastructure Minister asserted that the social media post intended to instill fear.

King addressed parliament on the Choc Bridge issue:

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  1. I recall when this Minister revoked the broadcasting license from SKYFM and he hear them on, the next day, he had no idea what was happening and called the radio’s lawyer. This guy as a politician in this era, has not understood the internet and social media. He would pick up any dirt on social media, from “ANONYMOUS” and make it a government or parliament issue. This shows how he is short-sighted, lacks plan, lacks vision and has nothing to present. We must continue baiting him. ANYONE or EVERYONE..

  2. So u mean to tell me that this guy went to parliament to discuss a social media post that the Choc Bridge had a dip and is dangerous. Smh. Is the post untrue. Don’t we reliase that the dip can cause an accident. If the dip was normal would all bridge in Lucia not hv dips too. ? Nov 6 will be 1 year since this dip started and it’s still there. Like seriously and it is malicious if someone says that. SMH. We Lucians must not say anything it seems as it will be considered malicious. We must not air our opinions about nothing that concerns us it seems. God Bless the day brianless, visionless politicians like you , no longer enter the house of parliament.

  3. King has no track proven record for anyone to believe anything he says. First he tricked his constituents. Secondly betrayed his party members. He has said everything about the road conditions in SLU but the truth. He has lied about everything prior to this story about bridge. Now, give me one reason I should believe King ?

  4. why are will still supporting this leech… along with kenny and them sucking lucia blood.

  5. Dr incompetence! Addresses Parliament what another shameful episode. How long do we have to continue endure this!
    Roads repairs will commence in 2024/25 a year to 18months before elections not before regardless of the danger to the public. We keep blaming the previous administration.
    He was the previous Minister and still is saying to much rain to repair roads surfaces. Millieum high road, Rodney bay etc, etc, etc,.


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