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WATCH: Pierre Reactivates Northern Divisional Police Headquarters Project


On October 23, 2023, Prime Minister and Minister for National Security, Hon. Philip J. Pierre, turned the sod for the Northern Divisional Police Headquarters Project.

When completed, the new Northern Divisional Police Headquarters in Massade, Gros-Islet, will house several law enforcement units.

We hear more in this report:

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister

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  1. This is what you all good at, showing off with spades. how much the project cost, will it be able to house 300 plus prisoners due to the increase in crime rate you are dodging.

  2. Where’s the pool to teach underwater rescue and diving instructors if they have a tennis court… I so police getting paid to play tennis!,,,hope this speeds up the gi police to act on any report bc at this point SSU and GI police do absolutely no follow up or threw for over 10 years nada……. Ask neighbors,people in casenbas…!!!

  3. All good and well Mr. PM. You can renovate all the police stations or build new ones, this will not solve our problem. The police services have a systemic problem and unless you acknowledge the problem, there is little hope you can resolve the issue. You need to change the policies and set new standards to begin this change. Expectations need to change for the police. The good cops need to be complimented and recognized. Constant training for police must be implemented to meet the challenges of today. Any police in violation of the set standards must be investigated and dismiss all f found in violation. Zero tolerance of the policies and standards. Unless you tackle this aspect of the police services, your efforts will be in vain in building all these head quarters.

  4. Build new Headquarters in the sky, under waters, on ground as big as you can, your LOCAL police couldn’t keep two murderers locked up in their cells. How did one arrive in Jamaica? how did the other one never left THE ROCK and wasn’t found for – how long? then you and a bunch of fellow Clowns ‘love to be seen with Hard Hats’ to do what? give me a brake. Time to stop the clowning around and be serious and truthful to the people for a change. LORD please show them the way — enough of bluffing.


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