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Fire Chief Urges Road Safety Amid Jounen Kweyol Activities


Fire Chief Ditney Downes has urged road safety amid Jounen Kweyol activities, as Saint Lucia experiences a spike in traffic accidents.

“I am very concerned about the recklessness on the roads, especially on weekends. It happens daily, but it is more pronounced on weekends,” Downes told St. Lucia Times.

He noted that Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) emergency personnel traditionally respond to several vehicle accidents during the Jounen Kweyol weekend.

Downes also recalled that over the years, there had been several fatal accidents after Jounen Kweyol.

As a result, the Chief Fire Officer appealed to drivers to limit alcohol consumption, practice defensive driving, adhere to traffic laws, and make it to and from their destination safely.


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  1. I wonder if the Traffic Dept, has noted the reckless driving too considering they suppose to be doing Patrols and Enforce the Traffic Laws. I suspect instead of doing the same thing all the time by putting out a PR of such U should meet the Traffic Dept and ask them Y they do absolutely no patrols and meet the Road Transport Board and ask them for their Plan of Action help improve road safety

  2. The fire service chief shouldn’t be the one to advice motorists and road users of anything st Lucia has the tools and the manpower and a dept just for that it’s called the traffic department a division of the st Lucia royal Police force so all that have to be done is that department should be out there doing what it was suppose to be doing day or night rain or shine and shouldn’t just be something for creole day weekend it should be everyday because we have too many outlaws out there on the nation’s highway and needs to put a stop to it once and for all


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