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Three Saint Lucians Rescued At Sea, But A Fourth Is Missing


On Monday morning, the inter-Island ferry Express des Iles crew rescued three Saint Lucians in distress at sea.

At the same time, the search continued to find a fourth individual.

When the rescue occurred, Express des Iles was heading for Martinique.

The Saint Lucia Marine Police was involved in the operation to find the missing person amid rough seas after receiving a distress call on Monday morning.

They deployed three assets to find the missing person, identified as Chakam Adonis.

A French helicopter was also involved in the search, which the authorities suspended on Monday at noon.

The online publication RCI.FM reported that a fishing vessel with four people aboard sustained damage between Martinique and Saint Lucia.

As a result, the four people occupants ended up in the water.

The publication said Express des ÃŽles, which left Saint Lucia at 7:30 a.m. heading for Martinique, spotted three of them and took them aboard, where German doctors treated them.

The vessel took the three men to Martinique, where the hospital admitted them.

Reports indicate that the three are between 18 and 37.

There are no further details at present.

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  1. I was on the ferry that rescued them. The water was fierce this morning.

    It was very distressing watching them in the water.

    My understanding is, from the North. Union (ish) way.

  2. I wonder what dem young men were going and do Martinique. I rather suspect is nothing good. Did thy even have clearance to leave Lucia sea port? I hope they cool out and stop these journeys, dem men eh fishermen. Sorry.

  3. I heard these guys left in the wee hours of the morning in darkness? Why not daytime or sunrise as most fishermen would? What were those yutes up to? I am sure their family and friends know.

  4. @Awa…..your name is my response to your comment….awah people not supposed to go adrift “just so” in dem rough seas. Infact you are free to go to sea and goadrift ee!


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