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Saint Lucia Road Rehabilitation, Maintenance Efforts To Intensify


The Department of Infrastructure, Ports and Transport recognizes and understands the prevailing challenges related to the deteriorating conditions of our nation’s road infrastructure, and empathizes with road users and the public at large.

The DIPT has been actively addressing these issues; notwithstanding the persistent abnormal weather conditions and is fully committed to restoring and rehabilitating the road network to ensure the safety and convenience of citizens.

However, the Ministry’s attempts continue to be hampered by challenges posed by persistent heavy rains and we acknowledge the need for urgent action to rectify the current road conditions.

The adverse weather has significantly impeded our scheduled works, leading to delays in the execution of planned maintenance and rehabilitation activities.

Chief Engineer Mrs. Renata Philogene-McKie has expressed the Ministry’s commitment to overcoming these challenges, stating, We understand the frustrations of our citizens regarding the state of our roads, especially in the face of challenging weather conditions. Rest assured, we are working tirelessly to address these issues and implement effective and sustainable solutions.”

Prime Minister Philip J Pierre has designated 2024 as the Year for Infrastructure.

Therefore, the DIPT is gearing up for an ambitious series of road programs that will be a cornerstone of the government’s commitment to enhancing the nation’s infrastructure.

Key Highlights:

  • Emergency Road Repairs: The Ministry is mobilizing resources for emergency road repairs to address immediate safety concerns and ensure the well-being of commuters.
  • Year for Infrastructure: Prime Minister Philip J Pierre’s designation of 2024 as the Year for Infrastructure underscores the government’s dedication to revitalizing the nation’s infrastructure, with a focus on road rehabilitation.
  • Collaborative Efforts: The Ministry is actively collaborating with relevant stakeholders, including local communities, to gather input and ensure that rehabilitation efforts are aligned with the needs of the people.

The Department of Infrastructure understands the impact of the road conditions on daily life, commerce, and overall well-being. The upcoming road programs will not only repair and rehabilitate existing roads but also incorporate innovative solutions to withstand future challenges.

SOURCE: Department of Infrastructure

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  1. Well, I hope the rehabilitation will not be like the work done just pass Round the Bend in Bexon where the same areas patched have gone bad in about five weeks. Also, in the La Caye/Delaide area (to the top of the hill after La Resource Gap) where potholes appeared three weeks after the whole section was resurfaced.

  2. Well, well, well, are the people of Guyabois road ruffling some feathers 🪶 in the government???? Power to the people 💪

  3. It is heartening to read the comments from the Department of Infrastructure. However actions speak LOUDER than words. Twenty plus years our road has been neglected, several changes of government, different PM, ministers and not forgetting our first lady chief engineer. ACTION ACTION ACTION is what is needed and NOW!!!

  4. These press releases always come when it’s raining and so the reason is always the weather..Comical! A whole year the slogan was People don’t eat roads so clearly work was being done regardless of the season.

  5. Back to blaming the rain (weather) when we had a few months of hot dry weather. These lot are predictable, but they only do this and possibly get away with it because the St. Lucian public allow them to. In other words they take us for fools.

  6. You could have Cabot fix the road they mashed up in Cas en Bas and Windward Road! That would be a start with no need for government. Cabot promised they would fix what their construction trucks mashed up. As yet, empty promises as per usual!! Sometimes they fill the holes with dirt and try to claim they ‘fix’ it. Next rain (which is every day) and the ‘fix’ is finished. Tell Cabot to hold true on their promise!!


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