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Huggies & Kotex-FCL Celebrate Saint Lucia’s First Baby of 2024


Huggies and Kotex-Food Center Limited are welcoming Saint Lucia’s first baby of 2024 with essential care items.

The first-time parents, Eusezhann and Hezro Wilson of Corinth, Gros Islet, were presented with an array of Huggies Diapers, Huggies Baby Wipes, and Kotex personal care products.

The presentation by Food Center LTD was conducted in the Maternity Ward at the OKEU Hospital, where the couple was delighted to have the first baby of 2024, Zadie Wilson.

“Our baby was meant to be born in December; when that did not happen, my husband jokingly asked for her to be born on January 1ST.” Eusezhann, said.

“I was aiming for January 1ST, but I never expected to have Saint Lucia’s first baby. I am a proud father of my first child and of her being the first baby for 2024.” Hezro added.

Baby Zadie was the first of six other babies born on January 1, 2024, at the Millennium Heights Medical Complex.

“We are grateful for the warm welcome from Huggies and Kotex- Food Center; the items will go a very long way. We were not expecting such a big donation; we may even donate to less fortunate mothers in our community.”  The Wilsons commented.

Food Center Ltd (FCL) is the premier wholesale distribution company in Saint Lucia, offering a wide range of premium dry foods, household, and personal care products.

The company distributes several leading brands such as Huggies, Kotex, Diamond and Reynolds Products, Frito Lay Snacks, Golden Foods Cereals, Tropical Oil, Wisynco range of beverages including Boom Energy Drink, Arizona Beverage, Rude Boy Beverage, Sun Laundry Detergent, Real and Reddy Soaps. Food Center Ltd is located at Mayfield Estate, Castries.

Ms. Delia Louis, the Huggies and Kotex Brand Manager at Food Center Ltd said that the donation to the first baby was a congratulatory token, and she hopes that it will assist in some small way.

“Huggies and Kotex- Food Center is pleased to welcome the first baby for 2024 or the “Huggies Baby” as we call her. My team and I are happy to have shared in the joy and excitement of both her parents and the OKEU Hospital.” She stated.

“Apart from the donation to the first baby and her parents, Huggies-Food Center also took the opportunity to present both Maternity Wards at OKEU and St. Jude Hospitals with an assortment of Huggies Diapers and Huggies Baby Wipes.” She added.

Ms. Lee Ann Louis, Corporate Communications Executive for the Millennium Heights Medical Center, expressed her gratitude for the donations.

“The donation to the hospital was timely and appreciated by the staff and patients. We often have mothers who do not have the necessities, so I know that the items will help in a big way.” She said.

“These are items that we always need in Maternity at St. Jude Hospital. We would like to express our gratitude to Huggies-Food Center for the much-needed donation to our maternity ward,” expressed a Maternity Nurse at the St. Jude Hospital.

Food Center LTD prides itself on giving back to the community in a meaningful way. Recently Kotex Food Center supported a women’s football tournament by providing personal care products to the tournament’s female players.

During the Christmas season, Food Center also gave away a six-burner, digital stove through its “Diamond- Home for the Holidays” promotion; a laundry washer and dryer, through its “Sun Laundry Powder” promotion; a Tablet and Real Soap hamper through its “Real Soap Selfie” Promotion.

The distribution company hopes that the recent Huggies and Kotex donations open an avenue for future opportunities for the company to give back to Saint Lucia’s medical facilities.

SOURCE: Food Center LTD. Left to right: Valyn Jn Baptiste-FCL, Delia Louis-FCL, Eusezhann Wilson-Parent, Hezro Wilson-Parent, Lee Ann Louis-OKEU Hospital and Eve Alfred-FCL.

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  1. Well congratulations and all the best yull lucky to be married just take my word it or just ask the other Black single mothers that had first borns and the bashment they received from fellow st Lucian’s for going public you have no idea how theses people mind stinks. I say this with no apology or take back no chat it has happened and I witnesses it.

  2. STOP YOUR CRAP Mary Francis….. first and foremost this is not your lane. You have a bunch of stiff upper lip CBI folks that took up residency at Rodney that now want to shape the narrative based on their pocketbook so they have embarked on a lobbying campaign to force their agenda. You can’t build or by your house at the end of a runway then turn around and complain to the port authority there is too much noise from aircraft taking off, they knew exactly what they were getting into. The kne They could not get their way with this government SO THE HiRED YOUR ADVOCACY. Poor St Lucian’s are not the ones complaining about noise, it’s on their bucket list but it’s just not at the top.

  3. It was sweet to out it in, excited to see it come out, I hope you take care of it for the rest of your life. Don’t cut n run when pressure hit, stay and lead the ship don’t jump it.

  4. @ Oh Really what a laugh I had reading your comment. Some people wake up like that unfortunately.


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