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Accused Chain Snatcher Was On Bail For A Similar Offence


A man accused of snatching a chain from a cruise ship visitor in Castries last week was on bail for a similar matter before the Court, police have disclosed.

Investigators identified the accused as Rayhanus Faucher.

Police charged him with multiple offenses, including theft, assaulting a police officer and the cruise ship visitor, and resisting arrest.

The City Police, in collaboration with two members of the Vulnerable Persons Team of the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF), swiftly apprehended Faucher after the chain-snatching incident.

The court has denied him bail.

Faucher, originally of Forestiere, Castries, but currently a Maynard Hill, Castries resident, is due for another court appearance on April 16.

The United Kingdom national whose chain he allegedly snatched is due to appear virtually to testify.


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  1. The thug will.never go and work for wages as low as 3 EC dollars an hour to purchase his house, car, land, health care and education and put food on the table for his family

  2. Blame the politians by refusing to enact a fair living wage system not less than $10+ per hour based on hours worked.. This chain Snatcher will keep repeating the same act.. again and again.
    We rather keep them in jail and feed them with the Taxpayers money instead of a fair living wage system.
    We keep doing the same same thing over and over again, the True definition of a corrupt practices..

  3. If you all are genuinely serious about crime prevention, then why isnt his mug shot, picture, profile posted all over? Yol old farts are using 1800 laws to fight modern crime in a changed world!!! Pappyshow


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