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Pierre Welcomes Court Decision To Clear Stanley Felix


Prime Minister Philip Pierre has welcomed the court’s dismissal of Attorney at Law Stanley Felix’s charge of perverting justice and expressed his hope that Felix will continue his legal practice.

Reiterating his belief in the separation of powers, the Prime Minister stated that he was unaware of Mr. Felix’s legal issues.

“I had no idea that Mr. Felix had any issues with the law,” Pierre explained.

However, Pierre told reporters he learned when Felix was charged.

He explained that the government relieved the Attorney at Law of his duties as Senate President.

Felix, at a news conference last week, said he was ‘unceremoniously dismissed’.

Asked whether the ruling Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) supported him amid the perversion of justice charge, the Attorney at Law declared that the party was ‘non-existent.’

“The Saint Lucia Labour Party kept their very distance and obviously for obvious reasons,” Felix stated.

Regarding whether that constituted a lack of support or a move by the SLP to protect itself, he told a reporter: “I will leave that for you to decide.”

Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre, leader of the SLP, told reporters at Monday’s pre-cabinet press briefing that Felix is still a labour party member as far as he knows.


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  1. Pierre is a bald head just like Chastanet as he only represent the interest of big business people and businessess that fund his political campaigns. I hope that the working class vote him out of power in 26

  2. But he at Court with EH to ensure justice was served… Look a ting! 😂. I guess then there was nothing like separation of powers!

  3. You all left Stanley hanging high n dry. Big PM like you didn’t know he had issues with the law? Pure and blatant lies !!!!


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