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Hilaire: Promoters Will Have To Account For ‘Open-Carry’ Firearm On Stage


Dr. Ernest Hilaire, Tourism, Investment, Creative Industries, Culture and Information Minister, says the promotors of the just-ended Onyx concert will have to account for an open-carry firearm on stage.

He told reporters on the sidelines of a Cabinet meeting on Monday that the police took a position that they were not approving the concert.

The event became controversial after a man with a gun appeared on stage.

Images of the gun-toting man, identified by organisers as one of their contracted security guards from the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF), have been circulating on social media.

Organisers have since apologised and said the man decided to have an open-carry weapon on stage.

Hilaire told reporters the gun was not an ordinary firearm and said he had no information regarding whether the weapon had been authorised.

But he said he knew what he saw on stage and the photos people overseas saw and sent back to Saint Lucia.

“We need to ask some serious questions. As far as I knew, the police took a position that they were not approving the show because the individual in question is someone who has been involved in singing, and promoting music that glorifies crime and gun violence. And I know because I was in discussion with the police force,” the Castries South MP stated.

“The police were very clear that they were not going to approve it on the grounds of national security and events security,’ he explained.

According to Hilaire, the police saw the event as a threat to the fight against gang crime and as a threat to the event itself because they were not satisfied that security was fully in place.

“And that was four thirty on Friday,” the Deputy Prime Minister recalled.

He told reporters that after that decision, somebody approved the event.

“We need to know who is that somebody and under what circumstances they approved it,” the Minister asserted.

“What assurances were given to that individual to make that decision?” Hilaire told reporters.

He also asked if someone overturned the decision, whether it was because of being misled.

Hilaire declared that the police have established that once someone promotes or signs songs glorifying violence, they will not be allowed to perform in Saint Lucia.

In addition, he questioned who authorised the individual with the firearm to be on stage and whether the promotor informed the police.

According to Hilaire, Saint Lucia’s creative space cannot have individuals with open-carry firearms on stage.

He disclosed that Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre, as Minister of National Security, would decide to find out what happened.

Hilaire said if a promotor misled the police, there would be a need for a serious discussion regarding that promoter’s role within Saint Lucia’s creative space.

“To say to me as the promotors did, it was incident free – so what is incident free? You mean there was no shoot-out, and therefore, it was a success?” Hilaire told reporters.

And he declared that someone on stage with an open-carry firearm constitutes an incident.

“It was pointed at the crowd. What if people had rushed the stage what would have happened? Would you have shot the crowd?”

“Why was it necessary for an open-carry firearm on stage?” Hilaire said.

He said somebody needs to account for that.

“The promotors who were involved in this will have to account,” Hilaire declared.

The event on Saturday at the Daren Sammy Cricket Grounds in Beausejour, Gros Islet, featured  artistes including Jamaican Dance Hall performer Skillibeng, alongside Saint Lucia’s leading stars and Dennery Segment artistes like Ezra De Fun Machine, Hollywood HP, Cooyah Fyah and Sean.

Headline photo from social media.

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  1. It’s a crying shame to say the least……anything goes in St. Lucia and that’s SERIOUSLY SAD AND DISHEARTENING AS WELL AS DANGEROUS….all for the LOVE OF MONEY. with no regard for anyone.

  2. Tell Hillaire hold his ass and take that up with the security. The police department are the ones responsible for security at events in St. Lucia. I can also recall police on the streets carrying open during carnival.

  3. Anything Happens in St.Lucia .Before it was Under the Table Corruption .Now its above the Table

  4. These singers/performers don’t interest me. In fact I do not know them nor their music. Low life ghetto performers. These are what promoters are bringing to the island.

  5. Good move . You The know those Yellow Clowns just looking for their hah ha moment….I glad you never give to them. Now where is the gun and did he have the permission to carry it . It’s not SLPF issued so where did it come from ?? Was it even necessary ?? Boy those barrels coming down hard.

  6. Thaddeus told Hilaire to say this. Redz carnival band dont like verve. carnival politcs. good for all of them.

  7. Hilaire is insinuating so many things, I must wonder if this isn’t just a way to attack a promoter due to personal ill feelings…

    We now blaming promoters for gun violence in St Lucia?! ST LUCIA MINISTERS ARE A JOKE!

    Do your job and stop asking people to do it for you!

    SKENG is being advertised… let us see if that promoter faces as much attention from the “red boyz”

  8. We can’t get our knickers in twist, this is the true representation of our society. We just don’t want to accept the reality…… Lucia wake up …….. it will not and never return to what is was. Just give it time the next show scandal with some healthy daughter taking backerrrrsss on stage. 😎😎😎

  9. Hilaire rell disingenuous. Your Ministry sponsored the event but you making it seem like you weren’t supporting the event? Claiming to support the youth but throwing them under the bus to make yourself look good? Very Dishonorable minister

  10. Hilaire at his best when he lies. All of a sudden he was not aware or he will investigate. The guy must be out or else I would reccomend an arrest. However, he should be deported and never set foot in SLU. For the promoters, they should be facing charges with no political interference. The police should treat this with priority – send out a strict message to those with intentions. Now Hilaire, how did that piece of artillery come from – can you have a conference call to get you ass quizzed. I guess you are in Government and can do what you want – you piece of lying shit !!!

  11. Has anyone considered this could’ve been a prop gun just for the performance
    (Fake Gun that’s used in the music videos)?

  12. The Hilaire said the gun was not an ordinary firearm. Will the Hilaire tell the nation what it was

  13. I happen to like the moves . There must be accountability in everything we do publicly. Do not promote thug music on the island: We must slow down gun violence by any means necessary. I see some good things coming with our new sheriff In town.

  14. What a whole lot of convoluted crap of a statement from the Deputy Priminister?
    The Police was not in favour of approving the event in discussions with you and some how it was approved and you do not know how?

    What was your purpose at the meeting with the police when it was an event promoted by your ministry but to get an approval! The show must go on…

    What is the issue is it an authorized individual carrying open in public? Or is it an unauthorized individual carrying an illegal weapon open? Because these are different issues. The later is blatant criminal offence whilst the other is internal disciplinary issue to be address.
    None of which is clear in the minister’s statement. From reading the article the minister is managing a PR issue, if a crime was committed than it is for the police to investigate, arrest and charge the offenders allow justice to take it rightful course.

  15. ToeTal, that idiot police officer should be disciplined!! Just tarnishing the name of an already beleaguered organization. The RSLPF has too many brainless police officers. Some of these guys allow the power to consume them.

  16. Well they will have to account for what. As minister at 4:30 pm on a Friday before the show you mean to tell me you didn’t know the show would go on. All on Friday afternoon this artist and his armoured convoy were holding up traffic on the Gros Islet highway as if he is some high level delegate….the utter ridiculousness. No one is going to be held accountable and what the minister said is just for show because public outcry is loud now. Held into account how?Can Verve et al turn back time and not hold the show?

  17. St Lucian government is a whole bunch of k a r k e r and bull.
    Y’all are committing the worse crimes by the negligence of our healthcare which is killing much more people out there than crime and violence.
    Been pointing issues with an open carrier on stage is pure b u l l when it is a st Lucian officer carrying his license to carry and works in the force.
    Instead you tend to the seriously ill health care you come and comment pure Karkar acting all innocent. Just shut the f up and start doing some serious clean up in the police force in the government and some serious investment in our healthcare our elderly and our little children

  18. I certainly don’t support what happened. But Hilaire you must cut the hypocrisy. You know that your carnival band, Red International, is against the promoter of the event and that is why you are making all that noise. Its about wiping out the Competition.

  19. Are there proper governing bodies and systems in place in St. Lucia?????. I am part of several organizations and when a decision is made within the structure of the organization…No one thereafter has authority to overturn that decision or make changes/adjustments. It is embarrassing to say that ‘we do not know who authorized a decision” after a collective meeting was held to discuss an event…..and a decision was rendered……

  20. Legit question. Isn’t that the Hilaire the priminister always leaves in Charge? If it is then I would assume he has the authority to find out who authorized what no?

  21. @ Sameguy, I agree 100% – Is Hilaire the best man for the job as Tourism Minister? Is this something new in St. Lucia to promote gigs with guns or even something like it on stage? is this what you do to attract tourists? may I inform you Mr Deputy, you and your boss are trying your best to bury St. Lucia internationally in every respect. He, you and Henry, another Gun totting Minister are trying your best to destroy the leader of the opposition. Don’t try to pretend you are not a gun lover like your other Cabinet friends. All that crap & carnival wont St. Lucia, But Tourism, though vanishing, can. Two things can destroy SLP (1) Crime (2) St. Jude Hospital in the South, if not finished, thank to the Cabal on the Cabinet: Fredrick, King, Henry and Hilaire: think about it – But the good Lord will have Mercy on St. Lucia.


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