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Two Dead, Two Injured In Ciceron Shooting


Two people are dead, while two others sustained injuries after a shooting incident Tuesday night in Ciceron, Castries.

The Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) said emergency personnel from its Castries headquarters, with backup from the Babonneau and Gros Islet fire stations, responded.

SLFS Communications Officer Stacy Joseph said the responders found a man who seemed to be in his thirties on his back, complaining of chest pains.

The emergency crew transferred him to an ambulance for assessment and treatment.

Joseph said another man, nursing a wound to one of his arms, walked towards one of the responding ambulances.

She said an assessment revealed that he also had a laceration on one of his legs.

Joseph explained that both injured men were transported to the OKEU Hospital in stable condition, while a medical doctor pronounced two other individuals dead at the scene.

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  1. There’s no Health Care Shitstem in St.Lucia.The Crime Fighting Stràtadgy is not Working Too Much Crime in St.Lucia

  2. When will it end..How many more must die before the 17 clowns on parliament do something. Do the HONORABLE thing. work together to protect.

  3. can you count how many years people have been saying the same thing over and over again every five year term and every time there is a new party or same party and what has been done? what really can be done to stop the crime?

  4. What is the reason for hiding the statistics. About 2 weeks ago we recorded number 53, since then they have not given the latest figure after the murders we have had. I hope the authorities can give us the lastest figures after last night’s incident.

  5. The people committing the crime are the only ones who can stop it!! Start putting the pressure on them, everyone in this country needs to do their part. Each one Save one!

  6. I have noted with amazement the daily comments on the state of crime in St lucia and wish to ask the following;

    Are we satisfied with the latest ammendment to the firearms legislation?

    Should magistrates and judges be allowed any discretion in these matters ?

    How many of us posting daily comments, know of or suspect someone to be in possession of an illegal firearm ,have reported same to the police?

    Are we satisfied with the efforts of the police in that regard ?

    Are we feeling the presence of the police in our communities?

    Are the police officers satisfied with the existing legislation?

    What message are the police sending to criminals when the members of the public interfere with their work of effecting an arrest and these individuals are not arrested?

    We tend to blame the politicians for the state of crime in St lucia, while I think they have a key role to play, the cannot tell the police how to implement their work. It cannot be reasonable to accept that police intelligence ,patrol or presence cannot foil one shooting out of the 58 death so far.

    Members of the public don’t trust the present crop of police officers. Police officers are only seem in most communities when investigating a report or a crime. We need to demand that the police be seen and that their presence be felt in our communities. What have happened to the patrols ?

    The list could go on and on…..

  7. We are all created in the image of God yet many say there is no God. Some bring up children without the knowledge that one day all has to give an account to God for the life upon this earth. What do you expect to get when a child is taught that he or she has to only answer to oneself.

    Also its time that the three strike rule apply in our island. Life sentences for three convictions.

  8. The government refuse to enact a minimum wage so the young people people will be motivated to go and do the odd jobs for the private sector . We have a situation where people are working for over 16 hours per day for less than 48 dollars for. Those dirty security companies so you think the youtes will go and work in inhumane conditions 16 hours a day at 3 dollars an hour that is slavery modern day slavery crime will never stop

  9. Them security companies are robbing the workers how can you enslave a man working over 16 hours a day at 3 dollars an hour


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