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COVID-19: Saint Lucia Records 18 New Cases

On Friday October 28, 2022, the Ministry of Health, Wellness, and Elderly Affairs reported a total of 18 new cases of COVID-19 from samples processed on Friday, October 21, 2022, to
Thursday, October 27, 2022.

This is from 565 samples collected from October 18, 2022, to October 27, 2022.

This number of positive cases makes up 3.8% of all the samples processed on these dates.

As a result, the total number of cases diagnosed in the country is currently 29,654.

Confirmation was also received of the recovery of 3 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19, bringing the active cases in the country to date to 16.

Currently, there are two positive COVID-19 cases at the Respiratory Hospital.

Vaccination continues at various Wellness Centres as per the published COVID-19 vaccination schedule and will be available from 9 am to 4 pm.

The Ministry of Health, Wellness, and Elderly Affairs will continue providing frequent updates to the public as new information becomes available.

SOURCE: Ministry of Health, Wellness & Elderly Affairs/SLT

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  1. The world moved on from this scam. Only the most hardcore covidians still care. You still catch them every now and then. One person in a crown of hundreds wearing a mask

  2. You know it’s a slow news day when the media publishes Covid-19 news. This has been proven to be a monumental lie and a very Satanic agenda very long ago. All these doctors and politicians who the media turned into celebrities during the last 3 years have been proven liars.

  3. He/she definitely is a Moron. You are so right @ Marksgirl! Still there is no accounting for ignorance and conspiracy theorists…

  4. Of note is the complete absence of St. Lucia’s covidiots (CMO; SLMDA) and their cheer leaders (Angel et al) from public discourse regarding the scam-demic!

    Now that the vaccines are killing more folks (in the younger age groups) than the virus itself, they’ve gone to spend their ill-gotten gains (for their vaccine-promotion efforts) quietly, in case anyone in the duopoly (unlikely) has a sudden “Saul of Tarsus” moment!


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