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Pierre Administration Invests XCD 16.8 Million EU Grant In Youth Job Training

The European Union has agreed to provide monetary support to the Generation of Employment through Private Sector Development Project (GEPSED).
On November 16, Prime Minister Hon. Philip J. Pierre and Ambassador of the E.U to Barbados & Eastern Caribbean States H.E Malgorzata Wasilewska officially signed a XCD 16.8 million Grant to support the GEPSED Project.
At least 600 Saint Lucians will benefit from the implementation.
We hear more from Rehani Isidore:

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister

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  1. Why not invest that money in self-employment opportunities for youth?
    Job training should be a mandatory part of the school curriculum.
    People let us start using the resources more wisely.

  2. what the Yellow bellies have to say for that when good things happening they drop their head down in silence

  3. Job training what about Job creation where will they work with no jobs to be had. We need to create jobs and give the youth on the job training

  4. Shouldn’t it begin with you? Since you are so concerned about job creation . . . and we know government can’t create jobs for every single person . . . why don’t you begin the process by employing just one person? No need to answer because we already know the answer from you.

  5. when did you get so smart? it is not the government’s job to provide lobs for everyone bot they are to provide incentives to the private sector so they in turn can provide jobs for example on the job training

  6. Couldn’t agree with you more I think that we all need to regardless of party affiliations come together and stand up for our young people we can’t afford to lose our future whether it’s job training civic pride or personal pride


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