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SLFS Rescues Two People Trapped In Vehicle After Dennery Road Accident


Emergency personnel from the Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) rescued two people trapped in a vehicle after it collided with another in Grande Riviere, Dennery, on Saturday.

SLFS Communications Officer Stacy Joseph disclosed that the officers at the Dennery Fire Station responded to a call relating to a collision between two vehicles.

Joseph said the responders found two individuals, identified as the driver and a passenger, trapped in one of the vehicles.

She explained that emergency personnel used extrication tools to remove the two victims who had sustained various injuries.

The SLFS crew immobilised the patients, transferred them to an ambulance and transported them to the OKEU Hospital for further medical attention.

“The driver and sole occupant of the other vehicle was found standing nearby,” Joseph said.

She said he declined medical assistance.

Headline photo: Screen grab from social media video

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  1. I just don’t understand – why would anyone decline medical assistance after a vehicle accident which is certainly not a fender bender from the photos???

    Did you guys ever hear of internal injuries????? – the body is not equipped to experience severe impact. Therefore, it would be wise to have yourself checked out by medical personnel…just saying….

  2. these serious road accidents are happenning to frequent these days.some of the drivers drive recklesly on the raod every day especially late nights.i live very close to the main highway and especially from 11pm i see the reckelss driving;guys even racing on the highway too.we are a indisciplined people and its manifested on the roads every day.even some of the hotel buses carrying staff after work on the castries gros islet highway after 11pm shift driving wreckless and speeding.nobody will say anything until one of these buses get in an accident.

  3. My goodness, have St Lucia lost all its safety aspects? 🤔🤔🤔. The motto is, if you survive the bullet, then the vehicle accident awaits! How safe and efficient are Driving Intuitions
    both theory and practical tests.?

    Unlike my having to drive in adverse weather conditions…..snow, fog, black ice, slippery roads, hail stones, sleet and more, driving in St Lucis is merely mediocre.

    I have driven in St Lucia and the so-called drivers’ lacked road discipline, showed complete disregard for other road users, disregarded the (Highway Code.) There were vehicles’ which were not Road worthy. Drivers’ behind the steering-wheels, driving with large consumption of alcohol.😞😞😞

  4. What we humans’ tend to forget that a vehicle is one of the most destructive machines ever invented, although pleasurable when used correctly, it also causes death and injuries.

    This is a special achievement to many when you become a driver but, there is a an anagram called (experienced driver.) Some people think because they’ve passed the driving test, they have mastered driving.

    An experienced driver is a person who can read the other road user ahead of them and their intentions., have knowledge of the Highway code, ability to keep calm, respecting other Road users and not expressing road-rage. They must keep-up with the traffic, keep both hands on the steering wheel, be very, very alert and not show-off just because they are in possession of a status vehicle.


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