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Police Probe Vieux Fort Homicide


Police have launched a probe into Saint Lucia’s latest homicide which occurred in Vieux Fort.

Initial reports indicate that a yet unidentified 24-year-old man was the victim of a fatal shooting on Sunday afternoon at about 5:00 pm.

There are no further details at present.

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  1. Wow ! , what other word will I start with , the party red the blood red too if the red is running the country so will the blood . I just cant comprehend what is happening right now , we need to remove the Saint in front of Lucia and put GOD , it’s clear to see Lucia ain’t no saint .

  2. More religious the country the More crime and poverty .the imaginary God floating in out space isn’t gonna do a Dame thing for Y’all..when Rum shop’s and churches a disproportionate relative to manufacturing and industry you have a problem

  3. This hatred has to stop. Bring in foreign investigators, police or even army.
    St lucia is falling fast. Its obvious our government and police force can’t cope with the crime happening here.
    Something drastic has to be done and soon.
    Our people and our country deserves better.

  4. Everyone know who’s that Person .What’s Going on with Crime in St.Lucia. On the other page .There was so many Visitors walking in the Shitty and no Constables nor Gazetted officers to be Seen on the Streets Protecting St.Lucia Vital Tourist Industfy

  5. It’s so sad how the Saint Lucia Government cannot even protect it citizens. It’s crazy how these criminals are not afraid of the police nor the law.

    It’s says a lot about the governance of this country. This place is not safe, some say crime is everywhere but down here it’s brazen and often.

    Crime should not be this brazen and wide spread in a small country. Once upon a time the police was feared but the impacts have the police handcuffed and fearing for sanctions.

    My thing is, if you were really an independent country dealing with your own affairs, you would say to hell with the USA, to hell with the EU and handle these criminals by any means necessary.

    But you, our politicians bow to these countries and beg them for hand outs so they use this as leverage against us. We look up to them like they are better than us, we try to be like them, we use them as the pinnacle of success.

    At what point are you allowed to use draconian measure including executing criminal elements to protect the wider public?

    At what point will you lock people up indefinitely without bail?

    At what point will you, investigate drug dealing and seize moneys and assets of criminal elements?

    At what point will the authorities rule the streets? Or is this place a failed state at the mercy of criminals?

  6. I suspect who ever comments last their user name & email is left on the comment section…Fix that SLT.

  7. It’s a real shame but such things are bound to happen if not addressed at the root. The law forever remains the same. Be not surprised by the increase in murders for transgressions committed. It will never change unless humanity evolves. We must learn to reverse the cause to remedy the situation. Once that cause remains, the consequences must ensue in increasingly horrible fashion. The people and by extension the world needs to be awakened. All what is happening here is the culmination and/or perpetuation of years of unsolved personal animosities, frustration, anger, jealousy, abuse etc.

  8. Beautiful island, indeed but we have shitty people governing, shitty people in business and shitty people in law enforcement. The country will never progress positively with such in power, both parties need a make over. Give police and doctors the equipment needed instead of eating all the countrys’ money. I remember one year after vat was implemented, Kenny can’t on aire stating the country collected $34,000,000 in vat alone yet still we are behind in everything so much so that the government had to ask for a donation from the citizens in order to pay wages and get ppe. Y’all fight each other for a set of people who couldn’t care less about us.

  9. To the criminals we the malaway are brokes it is the politicians that is blocking the money from trickling down so go get it there. Simple.

  10. Correct me if I’m wrong but did I hear that this homicide occurred by Wilrock and is being investigated by Vieux Fort police not Laborie police. If I heard correctly this brazen crime occurred a few feet away from the Police Marine Unit in Vieux Fort. This really shows that there is no fear where the criminals are concerned.

  11. It matters not where and who’s in charge of the investigation. Fact of the matter is that there’s a homicide.

  12. I think it’s 16 after this one today. It appears that the number of shootings is a better metric to understand how bad things are as opposed to the number of homicides. The nature of crimes are also so much worse than before. Now it’s brazen drive-bys and mass shootings…

  13. Remember when the cops were taking out dem lowlife pieces of rubbish back in the day and your’ll Lucians start crying about civil rights and that lawyer get the US involved? Where is the US now? Where is the lawyer now? I hope you are all enjoying your civil rights.

  14. Did everyone not hear the gunshots video in VF? This is how u investigate RSLP? By posting the sheet online! Smph go do your jobs!….woiiiii smph

  15. I believe a state of emergency needs to be called and a curfew needs to be enacted for minors. That would be one way to send a message to criminals. The next step is a clean sweep of neighbourhoods housing criminals. The law knows exactly where these places are. Lock the community down and then arrest anyone for possession of illicit substances and who are suspects or members of gangs. Short of changing laws and long term solutions this is a feasible first step. The question is does the leadership have the gonads to do it.


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