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Secretaries General Of UN, INTERPOL Discuss Increased Security Cooperation


With the world facing increasingly complex and interconnected threats, the Secretaries General of the United Nations (UN) and INTERPOL discussed areas for increased cooperation to support national, regional and global security.

The meeting between António Guterres and Jürgen Stock followed the recent third biennial review of the UN General Assembly resolution on cooperation between the two Organizations, further strengthening this strategic partnership.

Key areas for reinforced collaboration included cybercrime, emerging technologies, financial crime and corruption, global health and maritime security.

Global Policing Goals

The resolution also served to highlight the complementarity of INTERPOL’s Global Policing Goals (GPGs) and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and affirmed INTERPOL’s position as an important implementation partner.

INTERPOL’s GPGs were launched in 2018 to reflect the Organization’s priorities against criminal and terrorist threats, and serve as a framework for the international law enforcement community in alignment with the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

My meeting with Secretary General Guterres was an opportunity to reinforce our united efforts to support international peace and security.

“Only through cooperation can we hope to collectively and effectively respond to the security threats of today and prepare for those of tomorrow,” concluded the Secretary General.

History of cooperation

INTERPOL has a long history of cooperation with the UN which was formalized in a 1997 agreement. The Office of the Special Representative of INTERPOL to the United Nations in New York was opened in 2004, which has further strengthened the relationship between the two organizations.

In addition to a strong working relationship with the UN’s dedicated counter-terrorism entities including its Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) and its Executive Directorate (CTED), INTERPOL also works closely with the UNODC, UNDPO, UNICRI and UNESCO.

INTERPOL has been mentioned in 80 UN General Assembly resolutions, and more than 50 UN Security Council resolutions covering a range of topics such as terrorism, human trafficking, weapons trafficking, corruption, environmental crime and cultural heritage crime.

SOURCE: International Criminal Police Organization

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  1. The FBI/CIA is to the US government, as Interpol/NATO is to the UN (its administration packed with US-“sponsored” employees).

    Just as the FBI/CIA used social media platforms to deny US citizens their 1st Amendment rights for protected free speech, the US puppets (Guterres et al) are using NATO/Interpol to bypass the authority/mandate of the UN Security Council, including the veto power of Russia & China being used to dissolve US hegemony (economic & military) in the world.

    Garland Nixon presents us with an object lesson from US current affairs:

  2. Guterres continues his desperate attempt to put lipstick on a pig, i.e., the notion that the UN is, or ever was, a force for maintaining peace among the nations of the world. Its original mission has been hijacked by the US to usurp the sovereignty of western nations for imposing its hegemony over non-aligned nations.

    At this point in time, the FBI/CIA is to the US government, as Interpol/NATO is to the UN (its administration packed with US-“sponsored” employees).

    Just as the FBI/CIA used social media platforms to deny US citizens their 1st Amendment rights for protected free speech, the US puppets (Guterres et al) are using NATO/Interpol to bypass the authority/mandate of the UN Security Council, including the veto power of Russia & China being used to dissolve US hegemony (economic & military) in the world.

    Garland Nixon presents us with an object lesson from US current affairs:

  3. Notwithstanding his prominent role in the prosecution of the illegal wars in Afghanistan & Iraq, as well as the illegal balkanization of Yugoslavia, Colonel Douglas Macgregor provides us his professional insights into the current war in Ukraine, via this 3-part interview given to Dr. Michael Vlahos:


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