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PAHO Donates Vaccine Carriers To Saint Lucia

The Pan American Health Organization, on Dec. 21, donated 80 vaccine carriers to the Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs valued at over EC $3500.
These vaccine carriers will strengthen the cold chain program to ensure that needed vaccines are accessible and delivered to hard-to-reach areas in the country.
This initiative is part of ongoing technical cooperation to reduce the spread of vaccine preventable diseases.
Country Program Specialist for PAHO, Reynold Hewitt, said the organization is pleased to donate to Saint Lucia’s Ministry of Health. The donation will assist in the immunization programme.
PAHO sees immunization as the flagship programme of the organization, and makes every effort to ensure that every member state has the capacity to always respond, in order to prevent outbreaks of diseases that can be treated by vaccines.
SOURCE: Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs 

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  1. Because of thirst the infants tongue sticks to the roof of the mouth.
    The children beg for bread, but no one gives it to them, but you all want to finish kill them 💉.
    May the mighty and powerful hand of God destroy and put to silence all the wicked in the world….


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