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Mondesir Urges Unified Caribbean Strategy Against Gun Crime


Former National Security Minister Dr. Keith Mondesir has urged Caribbean countries to develop a unified strategy against gun crime, which they can present to countries like Britain, Canada, France, and the United States.

“The Caribbean has to get together with the aid of the outside world – people who are savvier regarding crime and then form a strategy and a plan,” Mondesir stated.

The former Minister told St Lucia Times that the Caribbean’s international partners could assist the region with needed technology to combat the trade in illegal guns.

“We have a coastline that is poorly protected. We don’t have the human resources to protect our own territory,” Mondesir stated.

He explained that Caribbean countries could present their unified plan to their international partners and seek help in tweaking and implementing the strategy.

“All Ministers of National Security should come together first and devise a plan of action. Get in America, Canada, France, and England and ask them for assistance in expanding the plan – put in things that were left out,” the former Anse La Raye-Canaries MP told St Lucia Times.

According to Mondesir, an approach by one Caribbean country would likely not be as successful as a collective approach.

His comments came amidst a spike in gun violence in several countries in the region.

“We need to act together,” the former Minister asserted.

Headline photo: Stock image.

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  1. Today Wednesday, January 11,2023 Prime Minister PJP is the worst national security minister Saint Lucia has ever had.


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