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Induction Ceremony Held For Scholarship Apprenticeship Programme

On Wednesday morning, the Ministry of Infrastructure held an induction ceremony for the Renewal Energy Sector Development Project’s Scholarship Apprenticeship Programme (RESDP-SAP).
The Scholarship Apprenticeship Programme was launched following the official signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Sir Arthur Lewis community College (SALCC) and the Department of Infrastructure at the opening ceremony of the RESDP in November 2022.
The SAP is a subcomponent of the project where scholarships and apprenticeships will be offered over a four-year period ending in June 2026 to 32 Saint Lucian females who have an interest in pursuing an approved course of study at the Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department of the SALCC.
The objective is to reduce the gap in employment opportunities for females in the energy sector.
The ceremony marks the induction of the first cohort of 10 young ladies into the programme.
SOURCE: Ministry of Infrastructure/SLT

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