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Police Probe Death Of Woman At Cap Estate


Police have launched an investigation into the death of a woman at her Cap Estate home.

The deceased, identified as Maria Buchner, was discovered at about 3:30 pm.

According to initial reports, she was in her sixties.

There are no further details at present.

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  1. Fair Helen is saturated with evil! The only antidote is righteousness! If the leaders, and the general population do not turn to righteousness, evil will consume Saint Lucia the same way maggots and vultures consume discarded carcass in the field!

  2. Very sad development……..don’t know what could have possibly gone wrong. My condolences to the family!

    Folks it would be wrong to blame government officials for what may clearly be a domestic personal matter. You cannot expect the police to guard your home either to prevent you from leaving your home to cause harm to someone or to fight an intruder. Somethings are simply the responsibilty of the individual and that will forever remain true. Yes, there are criminally minded individuals out there who will attack for reasons stemming from jealousy, hate, a victim of being wronged and the like. Many things can lead to such acts of violence but in many cases the cause remain human relations. Correct that fact and you would have solved 80% of crime.

  3. Amidst the stabbing and the shooting and let’s say the RUPTURE DONT FORGET THE THING THAT PEOPLE STRETCH THEIR ARM TO TAKE THAT NOW CAUSING SUDDEN DEath so don’t panic


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