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Saint Lucia To Launch Programme To Help Former BCF Inmates Get Into Business


Saint Lucia is to launch a programme to help former inmates of the Bordelais Correctional Facility (BCF) get into business ventures.

Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre told reporters Monday that the Saint Lucia Social Development Fund (SSDF) would launch the initiative.

He said he was concerned about recidivism, the tendency of a convicted criminal to re-offend.

“This is why I think at the SSDF there is a programme which will be rolled out this year to help ex-prisoners to get into business, ex-prisoners to reform their lives. That’s going to be happening this year,” the National Security Minister stated.

The BCF is known to be concerned about its high recidivism rate.

And its former Director of Corrections, Hilary Herman, had explained last year that the reintegration of inmates into society after serving their time was the ‘missing link’ at the facility.




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  1. frist change your domestic legislation. it is paort of the core of the problem, now don’t behave like the promise land where they dole money out you don’t print yours… they do so think positive.

  2. A clear case of the blind leading the sightless. We have young people with “A” level subjects packing shelves at Super markets, the Taiwanese are providing funds to help feed some of our citizens, businesses are shutting down and people are being laid off yet our government is telling us that it intends to launch a programme for former BCF inmates to set themselves up in business. Are we serious? Is the Youth and Economy scheme active? We stick in dat.

  3. The entire SSDF funds are already being mapped out into consultant hands. The situation with recurring criminal is that the system keep failing them time and time again. The social welfare system is lacking the resources needed and the fluidity of finance. By next year you will hear the SSDF funds disappear and it goes back to square one.


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