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Woman Found Alive At US Funeral Home After Being Pronounced Dead


Authorities in the United States have launched an investigation into reports that an 82-year-old woman was alive nearly three hours after she was pronounced dead.

CNN quoted Suffolk County police saying that the woman was pronounced dead Saturday at the Water’s Edge Rehab and Nursing Center in Port Jefferson at 11:15 am.

According to the police, after arriving at the O.B. Davis Funeral Home in nearby Miller Place at 1:30 pm, she was found breathing at 2:09 pm.

Authorities took the unidentified woman to a hospital.

News 12 Long Island said it reached out to the funeral home, which issued a statement:

“Out of respect for the privacy and confidentiality of the families we are honored to serve, we are not in a position to comment further on this matter.”

There are no further details at present.

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