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New Management Team For Saint Lucia Drug, Alcoholism Prevention Body


Saint Lucia’s National Committee for the Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Dependency (NCPADD) has announced changes to its managerial team.

The organisation voted in six vice presidents during a recent annual leadership and membership training workshop held in Sunny Acres at the University of the Southern Caribbean on January 15th.

The new team led by Dr. Clem Edward includes:

Reena Pierre (Finance),
Terry Dorville. (Field Coordination),
Sheryll Emmanuel (Special Programs)
Heather Charlemagne Charles (Administration and Development)
Sherol Francis (Sponsorship)
and Theodore Lyton (Communications)

NCPADD has expressed gratitude to the new management team members for their willingness to serve and their promised abilities and skills to propel the organisation forward to impact Saint Lucian society positively.

NCPADD is the umbrella non-governmental organization for drug-free clubs and community in-action groups.

It seeks to lend a hand in changing some of the social ills that plague society, including drug and alcohol dependence and the rapid decline of civic responsibilities.

According to the organisation, it also wants to provide a positive outlook for the youth and adults at risk by engaging in community outreach programmes in the firm belief that prevention is the cure.

“Through public awareness, NCPADD informs and educates the public of the dangers of the abuse of drugs and other substances and the resulting maladaptive behavior that can severely affect our young and growing society if we fail to discourage such practices,” a group release stated.

According to the release, NCPADD’s vision is to inspire and empower all to make healthy physical and mental choices.

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