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Police Investigate Fatal Shooting In Dennery


Police are investigating a fatal shooting in the La Ressource gap in Dennery on Monday.

According to reports, the deceased male was one of two individuals who sustained gunshot injuries.

Emergency personnel from the Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) said they responded with an ambulance at about 9:45 pm.

There are no further details at present.

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  1. No Further Details.on This Latest Homicide Too many Unsolved Crime including Homicides in St.Lucia .The Criminals are on Island and No arrest

  2. Stone Cold, even if they are arrested for possession of firearms the magistrates are making a mockery of our laws. The criminals are bail for next to nothing. How many gun cases have been completed for the past 6 months? The magistrates biggest word in their vocabulary is “Adjourned “.


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