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British Army To Hike The Length Of Saint Lucia


The British Army will undertake adventure training in Saint Lucia with two groups hiking from Pigeon Island to Vieux Fort in the coming weeks.

In a release Friday, the British High Commission in Castries disclosed that there would be around 20 Army personnel in each group, plus leaders.

“The two groups will traverse the length of Saint Lucia, from North to South, and East to West, through the beautiful rainforests, taking in a number of peaks, and possibly forging new routes and opening up old ones,” the release stated.

It said the trek would be an arduous expedition covering around 20 kilometres daily in a tropical climate.

According to the British High Commission, the participants will develop their fortitude, rigour, robustness, initiative, leadership skills, and resilience.

The training would also build teamwork, self-discipline, determination, coordination, and courage.

And through the expedition, the personnel are expected to learn about Saint Lucia’s history, heritage, and conservation.


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  1. at the same time look iration them soldiers will discover and call the babylon system to come check on…fellas who planting their shrubs and herbs in peace for their personal consumption please be around the garden when them men passing so yall can show them the faster road away from the green gold…we want peace in the bush…weed is not the problem

  2. sounds strange to me…..i am sure that they will be taking a lot of pictures as well. Why all of a sudden are we good hiking ground? Sounds like they need to know the island very well…I guess we will know why soon enough

  3. I hope they bring some lazy and undertrained cops with them. When it’s all over, they will know more of the topography of the island than our lazy aces do.

  4. I don’t know if it is just me, but the public does not need to see every detail, especially the number of soldiers there.

    I’m sure this information was passed on to people that need to know only for it to be made a press release.

  5. We do not want them here colonial days are over after 400 years of slavery 44 post independence what have the British done for us . Nothing

  6. More publicity for St. Lucia. All of you naysayers, what do you have to hide? They should take a few St. Lucian policemen with them just to see how far they can travel on foot.

  7. So far typically ill educated and inane comments. British soldiers will be well trained, well disciplined, orderly, led by an officer and well briefed to the fact that they are visitors in an independent country and have to be on their best behaviour. As an ex-British officer, I took 100 soldiers down to the Fiji Islands some years ago. Without exception, all soldiers behaved impeccably throughout the 2 months we were in Fiji. This exercise included some adventure training when a platoon of 30 men did a very similar trek through the island of Viti Levu and were welcomed all villagers they met. Hopefully they will be treated these soldiers will be welcomed as well while in Saint Lucia

  8. Brilliant idea welcome to soldiers…Remember st lucians and be mindful we have our own people which are st lucians in the British army and they have made us parents proud and grateful for the opportunity that was given to our people..thanks to all !!

  9. Maybe they coming and look for the dissaperance of Defratius sometimes we never know what’s goin on and the reason they doing this

  10. You all do realise some of these soldiers are pure bred St. Lucians. These hikes are part of the training necessary in the event there is a need for immediate intervention as in assistance. Do you really think British soldiers, soldiers not special service police officers are going to waste their time destroying weed?

  11. Nicholas Worthington we do not care if your a soldier or not. That not our damn business.. Your people test or people like shit in England so we don’t want your guys here trekking through our homeland spying on us. Damn colonizers

  12. Could this be an intel gathering op?

    Is it an op to plant gps aiding devices for sat surveillance or nav?

    Are any of our intelligence officers accompanying them to log this op?

    Nooo I think it’s just as said, a training op.

  13. while it maybe more publicity for St. Lucia better let it be known they are also doing intelligent gathering, mapping etc. soldiers don’t wake up one day and decided to do crazy stuff they come a mission and under the disguised of many farces idea to tame public reaction or to fool those numskulls we have for leaders who are totally clueless about border and home land security. When foreign bodies publish articles about your island one must think back about events like this. The peace corp is doing the CIA work globally under the disguised of charitable organization. So yall think!

  14. Remember the Scottish national that was a former hotel manager in his country and was now residing here and the incident that took place in Soufriere, that could also be part of the march along with gathering intelligence and any need for intervention, but enjoy your trek.


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