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One Man Hospitalised After Shooting


One man was hospitalised on Tuesday after sustaining gunshot injuries at La Feuille, Monchy, in Gros Islet, according to the police.

The victim was reported in stable condition after the incident, the latest in a spate of gun violence.

Police disclosed that the shooting occurred at about 7:45 pm.

There are no further details at this time.

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  1. Wow wow wow aben bondais – as my mother used to say – “Lord if you can not put hand, put a foot” – enough already.

  2. We need to say Thank God that our gunmen are amateurs and not good snipers. I’m checking on reports since the first of the last 5 homicides on island and these that didn’t make the news and my count is at 16 others who have been shot and didn’t die. 16 others nursing gunshot injuries, some serious, some stable, others not too serious. This indicates that for the past 21 known shooting victims, 5 have perished which makes it about 25% of shootings results in homicides. This is heartbreaking and something needs to be done. I’m talking about the La Tourney murder, the Harrow boy to today, so many others could have perished through gun violence. We are in need of serious intervention.


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