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New Crime Suppression Bill Introduced In The Saint Lucia Parliament


A new bill providing the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF) with expanded powers to respond to areas where crime has escalated has been introduced in parliament.

Prime Minister and Minister for National Security Hon. Philip J. Pierre introduced the Suppression of Escalated Crime (Police Powers) Bill in the Lower House of Parliament on March 16, 2023.

More from Rehani Isidore:

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister



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  1. This is a failed state where over 80 percent of the working poor earn 2 to 5 EC dollars an hour

  2. Imagine giving unlimited power to a bunch of unprofessional, barely literate, drunk, woman abusing, child molesting individuals. What could possibly go wrong?

  3. @Asking for a friend, I totally see your point. Some of them their names are in the books at the family court for non-payment of child support just like alot of the other men out there. Why should a government give unlimited powers to a bunch of people like that?

  4. Honestly ..what makes any one with common sense real believe that drug dealing, gang banging, malvettayes, ills of St. Lucian society are really looking for legitimate jobs even if it paid $50 an hour …these individuals have made up their mind to live dangerously for ill gotten gains fullstop. They are not looking for real jobs.

    However, what they don’t realize is that blood 🩸 is on their hands and they suffer tremendously as a result of their 👿 evil deeds. Everyone will reap as he has sowed and anyone who eats sower grapes their descendants teeth will be unedge.

  5. So after reading through the bill i am baffled that the Police did not have powers to arrest persons who interfere with Police executing their duties and verbally abusing them. I am surprised that the Police did not have powers to Protect Life and Property. Makes me wonder what have these law makers been doing for the past 44 years. Anyways

  6. @smh I am as baffled as you are, so I contacted a learned friend versed in public laws and policing. The police already have all these powers so I think this law is simply telling them to brutalize anyone who as much as hints that they will interfere with the work of the police once you live in a crime prone area. I’m sorry for the thousands of law abiding citizens of Vieux Fort who should not as much look at an officer for to long. This law is worse than Kenny’s famous suppression law that he had to abolish. What a joke piece of legislation. It should be renamed Police Brutality and Extra Judicial Killings Bill. Where are you Mary and all the other Fosters and great criminals lawyers.

  7. This is very good for our government. Now we can send the police and harass the UWP hacks and stop them talking their baytise. Look China stop all those foolish protests in Hong Kong, now our five star general and the honarable Richard can make the flambeaus shut thir mouths up. CCJ and legislation in their zorway Salle.

  8. The fact that people are allowing that to happen in stlucia is mad. Giving basically absolute power under the cover of law to police officers is going to do way way way more harm than good for reasons I could list here till next year. That’s basically Giving bullies the right to bully and the power to tell you to accept it with a smile on your face. Good luck guys all you’re missing is total martial law where crooked cops will be saying what’s right and wrong


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