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Chastanet Says Citizens, Not The Government Bearing The Brunt Of Inflation


Opposition leader Allen Chastanet has criticised the Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) administration, accusing it of failing to cushion the effect of rising prices on people while not implementing government austerity measures.

“There is no safety net. The Government has done a piss-poor job of trying to cushion the blow of what has been taking place in the country,” the former Prime Minister told reporters on Wednesday.

Chastanet said he genuinely believes the people elected the SLP on a social conscience platform.

But he lamented that this has yet to translate into policy.

In this regard, the UWP leader told reporters that the Government had ‘deliberately and intentionally’ not absorbed any part of increasing inflation this year.

On the other hand, Chastanet said the Government has insisted on recovering and maintaining its revenue.

“If you are going to do that as a policy, to me that ought to be commensurate with a government of austerity. Where are the sacrifices by this Government? Where was the freeze on employment? Where was the stopping of travel? Where were the attempts to be able to preserve revenue so that maybe there would be less of a burden put on the more vulnerable?” He stated.

Instead, Chastanet observed that bread prices, bus fares, cooking gas and the cost of living have increased.

And he noted that the people and not the Government had borne the brunt of the impact.

“That to me is unconscionable,” Chastanet asserted.


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  1. Then he should be offering to give up some of his millions. This is the man that suspended property taxes, a policy that helps the rich significantly more than it helps the poor. I promise you the man couldn’t even tell you the costs of a dasheen in town. He’s a carpet bagger and he should go away

  2. Mr. Chastanet, tell us one thing you did with the 863 million dollars you borrowed and how many passports did you sell during your reign. When you added the $4.50 to the gas was it an ease for us? I am still wondering what you are saying.

  3. Chastanet you can huff you can puff we just don’t want you. Again chastanet you are a failure we don’t want u

  4. Every time I read most of your comments whether it’s regarding the present PM or the former PM unfortunately these words always comes to my mind untutored, unschooled, untaught, uninstructed, unenlightened, uninformed, uncultivated…

    Honestly I am not sure the passport information will reduce inflation or get rid of the criminals who are terrorizing the country?

  5. @Louie spat on…. absolutely correct here is man that built his empire on the backs of the poor and working poor for decades in this country and overnight he “cares about the poor ” and there are suckers here that believe it you can’t tell them otherwise Massa is alive and well in their mindset. Allen Chastanet has made millions and cost the state millions on the backs of St Lucians he should be cutting a check to the government . Start from JQ and work your way down man forget about it….he should have taken a chapter from Butch Stewart and stay out of politics and just focus on enhancing or refinding our tourist product people would have more respect for him.

  6. Mr Chastanet is right. SLP ministers traveling all over the world, eating Big Chef every night and getting their big salaries. Whilst we paying more for bread, bus, electricity, passports and everything else.

  7. It’s amazing how I was fooled by Labour. Really disappointed in how PM Pierre has handled being Prime Minister so far. So many projects which are so badly needed why stop them? Our people need jobs and we need support from that inflation crisis. Stop focusing on Chastanet the man supporters getting ready to take us out of Government😖

  8. He can start by paying the working poor at coco palm hotel a decent wage of 10 dollars an hour

  9. Boy I never thought I would end up agreeing with Chas. If elections were to call today SLP gone


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