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WASCO Appoints First Female Chief Executive Officer


The Board of Directors of the Water & Sewerage Company Inc. is pleased to announce the appointment of Mrs. Zilta George-Leslie to the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of WASCO.

This appointment took effect on April 1, 2023.

Mrs. Leslie has been a long-serving management employee of the company and is now
the first female to serve the company in its most senior executive position.

It is expected that she will use her wealth of experience and talent to lead and enable WASCO to progressively meet and exceed the expectations of all stakeholders.

The Board, therefore, wishes Mrs. Leslie well and will provide her with all the support that is needed to do so.

SOURCE: Water & Sewerage Company Inc.

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  1. Congratulations maybe u can get WaSCO’S Sheet together now ….no water flow distribution sent 5 days last week and today will be another 4 days no water sent past sandals golf clubhouse!……please audit Timothy James this man has done terrible work since precovid how is it he is in charge of sole distribution!!!?….. Anyone else chime in…….. smh

  2. Another ‘ Power Woman ‘ with the Pre-requisite of a ‘ Double Barreled ‘ Surname – Seems like Jobs for the boys has gone ‘ Woke ‘

    Few if any of the members of the Power Women club have started at the bottom and got their Knees Dirty !!


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