Human Rights advocate Mary Francis believes the outcome of the latest case brought by Micoud South MP Allen Chastanet against the Speaker of the House of Assembly and the Attorney General be groundbreaking and ‘an eye-opener.’
Chastanet filed the case against Claudius Francis and the Attorney General, claiming multiple breaches of his constitutional rights, including unlawful detention.
The matter concerns a May 2nd vote by the government-dominated parliament to suspend him pending an apology regarding allegations of government corruption in selling land at Bananes.
As Chastanet walked out of the Chamber before the vote, the House Speaker told the police on duty that the opposition leader should not leave.
Officers followed Chastanet, who returned shortly after with them in tow.
Mary Francis believes what occurred constituted an infringement of liberty.
“I have been following the matter, and I think this should be a groundbreaking case for Saint Lucia in terms of the issues involved,” the outspoken Attorney at Law stated.
Francis said the issues included the powers of the Speaker, the process of constitutional rights, and the rights of individuals, including politicians, not to have their liberties illegally infringed.
The Centre for Legal Aid and Human Rights Coordinator also observed legal representation for the House Speaker and Allen Chastanet would come at a cost.
And she declared that when the state abuses a poor person’s constitutional rights, the victim must also find money to seek redress.
As a result, Francis said the government should provide a Human Rights Commission to assist poor citizens whose rights the state violates.
She described the introduction of such a commission as a pressing issue in Saint Lucia because poor people need legal aid.
Chastanet’s frivolous lawsuit against the speaker is tantamount to a circus show. His attempt is to change the narrative and make himself the focal point of discussion. Most economic indices are showing progress in St Lucia. We don’t see government largesse going to foreigners and friends unabated. We don’t see odious debt accrued by the SLP-led administration. Instead, we see fiscal discipline and prudence in the economic sphere.
Nevertheless, Chasatnet has a right to due process however we will not allow him to upend our democratic system of governance. His version of democracy is bordering on anarchy, that is, no respect for functioning institutions.
MARY,MARY, MARY, BLAH,BLAH,BLAH. No ground ehn breaking,unless is to swallow Chastenet.
Chastnet Did More S,,,.When he was Prime Minister and Slp was the Opposition and Never Did Nothing .He and his Team will never be Back in Government .He better Resign as Opposition Leader .Why he don’t try to go up against the Pm .That would have been the end of his political Career
Why don’t you people stop focusing on Chas and take a good look at the incident. The man’s constitutional rights were violated by the Speaker who thinks he knows more than anyone else who have walked the face of the earth. Unless it happens to us then we will stop making it a Chas affair. Did he commit any crime for him to have been detained? That Speaker will continue to make us pay hundreds of thousands of our taxes because of his stupidity. I just want to know one thing from those who make it look like Chas is the problem here. If it was Pierre or Kenny walking out of parliament (which they have done on to numerous to mention times) and the speaker had officers detain them, what would be your pronouncement?
Rest my case you made a very good point.These people just look at colour and not the facts.How can any ones trumple over others rights just because one feels that he can.What will happen to the little man who doesn’t have a voice in this country.Wrong is wrong no matter what colour you see.
Ya’ll must see chas back as prime minister we the younger generation can’t be fooled by this slp administration no more BBC
@Rest my Case. I Couldn’t agree with you more. Too many are making judgements on this case based on the individual involved as opposed to the particulars of the incident. Too many party hacks who only see red or yellow. Now I am not much of a fan of Chastanet but Claudius has no right to attempt to confine the opposition leader to parliament. What crime has he committed? Those police officers had no right to obey such an order and in my view should be given a desk job. Anyone else who believes Claudius is right to detain Chastanet in Parliament, I have got a suggestion for you; please don’t make any children. Take the few brain cells you were given to your grave.
RAS my boy, you call this a frivolous Lawsuit? a circus show? and more or less Anarchy by Chas? well although I don’t always agree with Miss. Mary – there’s no argument with her here – she is as you know, a Lawyer and she knows her stuff here.
It’s left to be seen by you boys in the top echelon, the reaction taken this time around, if he is to last and how long, while not only St. Lucia but every neighboring Island, for this case will be a historical landmark in the Books. Here’s a case that local politics has been allowed to creep too deep into the House of Parliament, showing its ugly face. Leave that for the days of ‘the market steps’ thank you. Be it for Chas or for any other member, SLP or UWP, the thing was ugly and childish; there’s a hefty price to pay. Pray for St.Lucia to recover from this.
Barking dogs seldom bite ! No one is above the law. It was about time we got some semblance of discipline in the house! Way to go Francis ! Chastnet is not entitled to special treatment : Rich, poor, white or black, we are equals in the house . Too much indiscipline in the house. At the end of the fiasco, the rules will be set straight once and for all.
Chastanet should make the PM explain the rover case to court too. Dont miss any of them! We need law and discipline in this society! we cant go on with this anything goes mentaility. or else there will always be corruption, endless crime, and no future or present for st lucians and their children. it will get worst. the SLP have a pattern of victimisation from 1997. this was how they always operated in government. the cases against them are many. but they mess with the wrong person now! Mary francis is right. this case will set a precedent. we cant tolerate all this nonsense anymore from any party!
Check mate to Chastenet. In that case it’s a fool’s mate….I have already said the speaker will have to dish out some more cash AGAIN…!!!!!
Chastenet playing white.
Speaker playing black.
1. e4, g5
2. Nc3, f5
3. Qh5 and mate….in this case, it’s a fool’s mate.
@Get, I think you have the wrong person who thinks that they are above the law. You talk about bringing discipline back to the house. Tell me whether you have been living in Exile for the past 40 years. Discipline and the House of Assembly in the Caribbean, no the World are like hot and cold, total extremes, an oxymoron. Dream on cause that won’t happen in our or any future generations lifetime.
The harks , talk sense like the brilliant ones . Take notes from the wise. Stop dragging st Lucia . Move forward people .
St Lucia we love you . Why put you in such mess . The world is already going to digital, why don’t we educate ourselves and not make our kids suffer the way some of us (so called poor) people do?????? Aben boun .
The Speaker was wrong in doing this illegal ACT .. Detaining Chastenet violated his right and the Speaker and the Govt will pay dearly for this ….Ensure the speaker is named in the lawsuit so the tax payers will not have to pay for this stupiness of the speaker . Transfer the Court assigned officer as they should have known better (or perhaps they are prejudice )
@Ras Biko your comment is, for the most part, literally a textbook example of political blindness. You must be THE ONLY PERSON in Saint Lucia and perhaps the Caribbean who is not aware that some of the first acts by the SLP administration caused massive unemployment. Your favorite guys shut down several large employment-generating projects, putting 100’s on the bread line. Incidentally that translates to hundreds of households. Further, to even claim any progress for SLP is beyond laughable. Such claim can only come from one who has no clue about how economies work, or is certifiably insane. Understand that the actions taken by the Chastanet administration are now bearing fruit DESPITE SLP, not because of them. In other words: Chas planted trees. SLP came and cut down those within reach. Those they couldn’t cut down are now bearing fruit. I can’t put it any simpler.
Your type of support does Saint Lucia no justice. Please bear in mind that politicians come, and politicians go. SAINT LUCIA REMAINS. Support Saint Lucia by supporting the planting of economic trees which will bear fruit far into the future, for the benefit of our descendants.