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Pierre Expects Rebuilt Custody Suites In Nine Months


Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre expects a rebuilt custody suites within nine months, telling reporters that the building’s destruction by the former Allen Chastanet administration was shortsighted.

“We speak about crime. We are very concerned about crime. One of the basic problems when you arrest people is you must get somewhere to put them. The last government destroyed the custody suites and no one has accounted for it. Why would you destroy a holding cell – a holding place for people who are arrested?” The National Security Minister told reporters on Monday.

“We started work on it and hopefully, we should get a custody suites in the next nine months which would help the police as far as detaining people when they are arrested,” Pierre stated on the sidelines of a Cabinet meeting.

He explained that currently, if the police arrest someone in Castries, the officers have to take the individual to Marigot, Anse La Raye, Dennery, or as far as Soufriere to hold them, or release them.

The former custody suites, the the former Royal Gaol, and the former police headquarters all underwent demolition in May 2020.

Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre told reporters that the Allen Chastanet administration had destroyed the custody suites with ‘absolutely no care in the world.’

“These are the shortsighted things that happened, and we are paying for it,” the Castries East MP declared.

Headline photo: Stock image.

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  1. Blame!!
    At least “Joe Public” can see and hopefully comprehend.
    These political parties can NEVER come together for any kind of discussion, etc.

  2. Aa aa Pjp ou par tan Leave Allen Chastanet name our of your m.outh and concentrate on building Lucia?,!!! Blame game alone awa wii
    Smh Something so important you see it’s demolished and after 2 yrs now you wanna start it 🤨🤨🤨

  3. That chastanet name is beyond obsession for SLPs – it is now “cancer of the Chastnet” and attacks the body and soul of the SLPs. Sir, just make sure you build it back in 9 months or else …

  4. So you can build a prison in 9 months but you cannot finish the hospital?! You concerned about crime and not Healthcare. Awah wii…

  5. Nine Month that’s When the Homicide Rate will be over 1000% per Week plus other Serious Crimes .Nothing is Being Done to Solve the Criminal Activity in St.Lucia

  6. Hooray!! Thanks to PJP’s rebuilt Custody Suites, In nine months time Saint Lucia’s out-of-control crime problem will be solved once and for all!!!

  7. Once again PJP is proving to be the BEST EVER PM. He will add to his legacy – Custody Suites in 9 months. Another move that will reduce unemployment and grow the economy and reduce crime

  8. PJP you need to build the Halls of Justice the previous administration was about to build. How on earth you only concern about rooms for criminals and not the Halls of Justice that also includes the police headquarters and the court houses. I guess you don’t care about the police as you want us to believe nor for our judges and attorneys having court rooms to get rid of the back log of all the pending cases. You closed all the court houses in Dennery, VF and Soufriere but you only care for custody suits, I wonder if you’re building the hotels for your people to go to after we butt you out. 5 years is not 50 years just remember.

  9. So you can tell us in 9 months but a reporter ask you how long to complete St. Jude’s AFTER a whole audit was conducted and you said you don’t know but that it will be in phases..

    Lucky Dube’s song comes to mind – “They won’t build no schools anymore, they won’t build no hospitals— All they build is prisons prisons”

  10. Custody suite on this spot, unbelievable, where is the st lucia national trust. It’s like pip gave you all momou tablet

  11. Really PJP? I now see this Labour government has no plans to develop this country. The place is already cleared for the police headquarters and the hall of justice. Now you coming with your ti boutique mentality to build custody suit only..these fellas need to flush chas from their heads. If is chas you studying just build the whole her majesty prison back the same way. My God man.

  12. Like a lot of you previously commented this government seems to be playing tit for tat against not even UWP but Chas himself. After two years in power the progress at the “new” St. Jude has been minimal to the point Pip can’t even give a completion date let’s not even talk about the Millennium highway, but you’re going to start a new project?!??! Let’s place bets on how long after 9 months this will be finished.

  13. What are you all talking about view fort, ??? Wayyyyyyyyyyyy 😆😆😆😆😆. Castries and Gros islet all the way . Call the popo for Pierre . 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  14. Does Pierre actually knew what custody suites was before it was demolished. This was an unsafe building, actually a disaster waiting to happen. That holding cell was built to accommodate 3 persons, however at times 5 or more were inhumanely held there in conditions unfit for humans. Don’t forget there was mold in such a poor ventilated space. I think that was one of the best things to get rid of this filth. What is interesting is will the same custody suites be rebuilt? With no officers on the compound how could you have a holding cell there? Couldn’t that money be used in building the halls of justice and police headquarters? Petty as you are shouldn’t you just call it by another name so it won’t look like it was Chastenet’s idea. Do an inquiry, pay one of your boys a hefty sum to give you a report. Make modifications to the design and call it Kenneth Foster’s Institute of Justice.


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