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Pierre Meets Permanent Secretaries To Discuss Policy, Project Implementation


Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre met Permanent Secretaries within the public service this week to discuss efficiently implementing government policies and projects.

“We must create a more robust system that responds to the needs of the public who we serve while simultaneously nurturing an environment where our workers are motivated to carry out their duties,” Pierre later wrote on Facebook.

“We are here to serve the people of Saint Lucia,” he wrote.

Pierre’s Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) surged into office in a landslide after the July 26, 2021, general elections with a campaign mantra of putting the people first.

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  1. Good initiative by you pm. But there some Ps and dps that don’t deserve to be head of departments they are real pigs they have no respect for their staff . Staff want to work but are just demotivated by their presence at the workplace.

  2. All they do is seat at a desk and get paid at the 25th of each month not even a minimum wage that they can enact for the working poor

  3. Let’s hope he can get the Labour Department to do their job. From the Minister, Labour Tribunal, Labour Commissioner, and all the officers.

  4. Love this initiative. Please make it a quarterly one. Brainstorm, discuss challenges and ways to improve. Hope it redounds to increase efficiency especially at that passport place. Virginia Poyotte!!! I hope you’re listening!

  5. These are the people who earn the highest salaries from the poor tax payers yet still are keeping the island backwards for example in this day and age you have to be up at 4 in the morning to get a passport another example labour department is another corrupt department. They should all be fired as not even a minimum wage that they can enact to stop the exploitation of the workforce

  6. Re Article..A mouth full of spitballs..
    He should focus on paying the working poor a. Livable minimum wage of $10+ per hour..
    We are being paid slave wages under the colonial slave labour practices to keep us inebriated, Poor, and Lark of knowledge to be Angry at each other while they are stealing our land..!
    We should eradicate the slave wages and create a fair living minimum wage of $10+ Not less..
    The Politician’s are keeping their followers inebriated
    According to the colonial slave wages to keep us poor and angry at each other.. FACT!
    How long do we have to wait for a fair living wage system and abolish the slave pay that keeps us constantly poor, inebriation and hungry and angry… FACT… Wake up people and demand better wages to give us a spending power and we will be able to take care of our families and our selves..
    .. The PM is wasting our time listening to a mouth full of ifs , but.. and colonial babbling and Deceiving the people of St Lucia.. He should address the minimum wage system of $10+ per hour As soon as possible.. The election is over,, put the economic degree to work. GET the Big Picture and lead your followers and the people of St Lucia by providing them with a minimum living wage system..
    I am expecting to hear the wage enactment very soon..

  7. All the comments above resound the same message…..highly paid square pegs in triangular holes. Good attempt PM but thisba waste so long as these people are so called “Permanent”. Some grade 10 officers in the public service are more competent and more passionate about their work than some of these PS’ and Dps’. How can these lead at the highest level on project delivery when they have no real world project management experience? That’s the ultimate reason for st Jude being in the guiness book soon!


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